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How healthy is your...
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[Solved] How healthy is your diet?

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We've all heard the advice about healthy eating - not too much fat or salt or ... and plenty of water, fruit and veg...

But how well do you think you do?

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Hmmmmm - does WINE count??? Thats made from fruit??

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Diet is very healthy one whose who had a fat guy...Most of them believe that fat is reduced only by

after using the diet and also diet with exercise is the excellent choice....

😈 😆

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I used to have a very unhealthy diet, and I recently got told that I may end up with diabetes if i didn't control it. So i went to the dietitian, who gave me some very valuable tips.

1. Do not eat more than 30 grams of carbs or sugars in a 2 hour period.
2. eat more veggies such as tomatoes, cabbages, cucumbers.
3. lean meats are very good too.
4. drink lots of water
5 exercise at least 30 mins a day.

(@Super Mario)
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My diet seems to be getting worse - we eat as a family most evenings which is great but because I have been used to eating a meal after 8pm I now snack!!!

I know I need to stop it but I can't.

I also know I should eat fruit instead of crisps but is that really a fair comparison


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The title of this post made me LOL !!

My diet is - not as good as it should be !!!

Im gonna be honest and tell ya that if it wasnt for my g/f and her family i prob wouldnt eat as good as i do !

Its so easy to snack during the day on "easy to buy" snacks ... rather than fruit etc.

altho, i think im going to make a concious effort to start doing so ...

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Mine's excellent - jaffa cakes and garibaldis make up part of my five fruit aday 😆

Seriously, I try to eat a bit healthier than I used to, but I do lapse often, especially at night. We do have dogs though, so at least I'm walking at least once a day (my wife does the other dog walk) which is better than I used to.

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Drink more water, fruits, fibrous diet, lessen salt/sugar intake (for foods), wine, etc. These are very important for our health. But in addition to those, I would like to suggest that having a regular exercise and proper sleeping hours would also contribute to have a balance and healthy lifestyle. 😛

(@The Hot FM)
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I used to eat pretty healthily because the wife used to do the cooking and made me eat veggies, when I was single some 8 years ago I used to cook for myself or go hungry. I got abit de skilled at cooking and haven't cooked for quite some time.
Since my wife became preganant she hasn't been able to cook or eat much so I have taken the opportunity to eat out which is not good.
Anyone have any idea where I can get advice or give me tips on cooking reasonably healthily and in a way that might get the wife to eat as well please?



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Dependant on the stage of pregnancy your wife might not feel like eating much of anything, this will change - nature has a wonderful way of providing for the young ones.

The BBC has a really good recipe finder for most store cupboard items and some really good food ideas, have a look.

Hopefully she feels better soon and by example you can lead the healthy eating program 😕

Let us know how you get on and how the pregnancy is progressing.


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no i am not like to eat much i much concern on my fitness and diet and exercise also so not like to eat much and many times i eat 2 times in a day.


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