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Famed Member Registered

Hi All,

It's 4 weeks until the first directions hearing and my ex is really ramping up the false allegations of domestic violence and child abuse, I've found out she is contacting various people to attend court and say I've hit their kids, all the allegations are been spread by social media and the only people she is telling is Caffcass the courts and social services nothing has been reported to the police and I'm sure she's just playing for time when we get to court.

I just wanted to know will the courts take all this seriously if nothing has been reported to the police? I have no criminal record only driving offences and will the court postpone things until her allegations have been investigated? I'm asking for interim contact at the directions hearing and wanted to know if they will give it although my ex is telling these lies?

many thanks

Topic starter Posted : 01/04/2014 3:10 pm
Honorable Member Registered

Sorry i have no experience in this my first hearing is this week
But it seem all too common that false allegations are made once a court application is presented i am sure the courts are aware of this behaviour,
• Before the application did your ex ever raise concerns about abuse to anyone ,?
• Have you been allowed to see the children before the application if so would a woman who claims DV and child abuse let you see the children ?

The first hearing is a directions hearing so no witness statements will be taken only cafcass schedule 2 report – have they phoned you yet?
If not when they do keep calm just tell them of any of your concerns in regards to the children and if you do claim anything about your ex make sure you can evidence it

keep calm please don't be tempted to make counter allegations unless true but it will be seen as a [censored] for tat etc ....

I am sure the other experienced boarders will come along with lots of good advise ...

Posted : 01/04/2014 4:20 pm
Famed Member Registered

No she only started these allegations after I reported her to social services about her drinking and beating one of her daughters.

yes I seen both girls nearly everyday up until I stopped her from beating one of the girls at new year since that day she has not allowed me any contact with either of the girls saying I'm the one who's abused them.

yes she's claimed I hit one of her girls on boxing day then she stopped all contact on 6th of jan.

yes the caffcass contacted me the day after i paid my fees to the court and put in the applications as they were concerned about what my allegations of child abuse and neglect had been towards my ex, to be honest they were awful and completely unprofessional and I'm sure it was a trainee as she kept saying I'll have to consult my manager every two minutes.

I have kept cool calm and collected throughout and I have only told the truth about what I have seen over the past 6 years I've made my allegations from the word go and voiced them to all parties concerned so there's no chance of any [censored] for tat.

Through this whole ordeal every single person who I have dealt with have been completely bias and are totally on the side of my ex I feel like I'm being made out to be the controlling abusive ex who is bitter and twisted and will do anything to get back at her when in fact I am genuinely worried for my daughter and her sister and the effect my ex's drinking is having on them both it makes it worse that one child is disabled and one child has a serious lung condition.

with all this bias I am worried that the courts will stop any type of contact at the directions hearing whilst they investigate all these false allegations, I understand no witnesses or statements will be taken but my ex think that's what going to happen she thinks its all about mud slinging and slagging me off, I'm just worried sick I won't be able to see my girls for anothe 6 months or so I'm not sure if I will be able to go that long the past 3 months have been bad enough.

Topic starter Posted : 01/04/2014 5:00 pm
(@What a mess)
Trusted Member Registered

Mate mine have only just started 4 months after I took her to court I have to go to a voluntary interview with police and even though I have done nothing wrong still s..ting it as don't know what lies have been told and what she has got others to lie about, I have got court again to review section 7 report which ss have asked 3 times for more time as they haven't managed to file to the court in time trust me it a nightmare 🙁 ask the judge for fact finding to be done that's hopefully my next step can you not give up and it seems like your worlds ending please be assured your not alone I could write a book on just what's happened over the last few months

Posted : 01/04/2014 10:00 pm
Reputable Member Registered

If allegations are made, everything will stop. My sons ex made new allegations each time they went to court. He had lots of evidence to prove she was lying and she had absolutely nothing but they still denied him contact until all evidence had been collected and a finding of fact hearing was arranged. His ex withdrew the allegations two days before the trial. All this took a whole year to go through the court process. Even though she withdrew and the judge said there was nothing to answer to, he still has to have contact at a centre as she claims that he is a threat to the child.

Posted : 02/04/2014 11:29 pm
(@What a mess)
Trusted Member Registered

Thank you cuddles it's me that applied to court and my son is not with her at the moment but wondered if judge would change order over allegations she has told police it's only taken her three months to report them and two court hearings before she has decided to go to police,

Posted : 03/04/2014 12:36 am
Famed Member Registered

Great that fills me with hope

Topic starter Posted : 03/04/2014 12:46 am
Famed Member Registered

Her allegations are nothing to do with my daughter she alleges that I have "pinched" her eldest daughter and attacked her brother in law just found out she's not reported anything to social services the police only cafcass It's a complete joke I've got cards off her at christmas saying how i'm the best dad ever.

Topic starter Posted : 03/04/2014 12:51 am
Trusted Member Registered

The police will act on any allegations of domestic or violent abuse, but the courts will be able to scrutinise her and tell whether she is lying or not. I have been through and still going through what you are going through. In my case i was accused of mental, emotional, physical and sexually abusing my kids, but social services interviewed my children together and individually and there was nothing they got from my children that was of concern. The kids said daddy never hurts us ever.

It is just your ex playing at straws to find anyway to hurt you, by blackening your name with whoever and whatver means she can. Stand tall my friend and be proud that you are a good dad and will fight no matter what is thrown at you to win your case and show your kids that you will do whatever it takes to be there for them.

Never give up, Never surrender. thats my motto....

Posted : 03/04/2014 1:43 pm
Famed Member Registered

Thanks Harry,

She still hasn't reported anything to the Police or Social services I'm probs worrying for no reason but she's on the phone to her sister every night to try and convince her to make a complaint about me hitting her two kids, she's also trying to get one of her best friends to say she witnessed me hitting her eldest daughter, I bumped into her friend in question and she pleaded with me to carry on through the courts as she was sick of being asked to lie.

My ex thinks this directions hearing is going to be a huge mud slinging court room drama threatening that she going to bring witnesses to prove I'm such a bad man its almost comical when all they're going to do is set a date for the next hearing and check out the cafcass report, the only thing I'm worried about is not getting interim contact as it will be 4 months by then I havent seen my daughter, I can't begin to think how I will cope for another 3-6 months of not seeing her, every hour of every day is a battle as it is.

I'm hoping my ex will go in to the directions hearing all guns blazing slagging me off ect so they see what she's like, there's no chance I'm giving up or quitting!

Topic starter Posted : 03/04/2014 7:05 pm
Nannyjane and Nannyjane reacted
Illustrious Member Registered

Lets hope you get a good and fair judge on the can make all the difference. It shouldn't be down to the a judges personal opinion but it is unfortunately, some are so gender biased and some don't stick to procedure, but there are good ones out there too.

Often getting an interim contact order can come down to whether it has been requested on the C100 form! Did you ask for interim contact on your form? If you haven't it might be a good idea to write to the court and request it be considered at the directions hearing and extra time be made for it to be considered. Just explain that you didn't know that you were required to ask for it and that its it would be in your daughters best interests to get some interim contact in place as it has been far too long since she last saw you....always speak for her perspective rather than your own.

Posted : 03/04/2014 7:22 pm
Famed Member Registered

Thanks Nanny Jane,

I've been told off various local solicitors and mediation centres that my local court are really good and are very pro contact on both parents seeing their children so that fills me with a little hope.

Unfortunately I didn't request Interim contact as I didn't know anything about it as my head was a mess at the time but yes I will write a letter to the courts, I phoned the courts earlier and they said to do that before I read your post, they are really nice the women who work for the family court are very friendly and helpful which is a bonus.

I'm back to taking every day as it comes again I'm running 3 times a week doing shed loads of weight training I'm taking care of myself really well, eating well and I've managed to beat the cigarettes and the weed it's defo helped looking after myself after seeing your advice on another post, I would recommend giving up your vices to anyone else too although it's still a living [censored] not seeing your child but it defo helps you cope 🙂

Topic starter Posted : 03/04/2014 10:50 pm
Nannyjane and Nannyjane reacted
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