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2 homes, one priority: your child - Join the free Parenting After Separation course
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Where's the best pl...
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[Solved] Where's the best place to post?

Posts: 2
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Joined: 12 years ago

Hi All,

As I'm new to the board I'd like to know where the best place to post with regards to advice on seeing my son?

I've been seperated from my ex for 3 years now and all she ever does is use our son as a bargining tool. Give me this if you want to see him, pay me that and he will stay over at your house, etc...

I'm not stupid as I know that I have been playing along with it for the last 3 years due to the fact I absolutley adore my little boy and can't face the idea of not seeing him. She would never agree to regular structured access and everything would be last minute so I could never plan anything. Now I have finally had enough because my situation has now changed and I have met someone I can see a future with. My ex obviously doesn't like the thought of another woman having anything to do with her child so I haven't seen him for weeks and weeks.

Is there any way I can force her to lt me see him?

I have lost everything in the seperation so financially a solicitor is out of the question.

What really annoys me about the whole situation is that I'm not a bad person! I'm a great Dad. I never mistreated my ex, she had everything that she wanted yet she treats me like a piece of dirt!

Sorry if I've rambled on!!

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Joined: 13 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

Hi Carlos and welcome 🙂

I'm sorry to hear about your problems, but unfortunately its an all too common story and one that we hear often on here 🙁

There are things you can do to see your son and you dont need a solicitor to be successful. Lots of Dads choose to self represent and we have a sticky that talks you through this process at the top of the Legal Eagle section....Its called "A Guide to Representing yourself in Court" suprisingly enough! 😆 There is another sticky, also at the top of the Legal Eagle section, called "Contact Order C100 Guide". This is all about the form you will need to fill in and submit to court to apply for a defined contact order. It costs £200, which is a fraction of the cost a solicitor would charge. There are lots of Dads here that have gone through/going through the same thing and can help and support you through this...and the odd Nanny too! 🙂

You might like to look at Mediation first, which is where you and your ex would attend at a mediation centre,and with the guidance of a trained mediator, hopefully reach an agreement. Heres a link ~

Joined: 12 years ago

New Member
Posts: 2

That's great!
I have spent some time reading the board and it seems as though everyone is in a similar situation...we all just want to have a normal relationship with our children!

Thanks again for your help.


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