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Where do i go from ...
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Where do i go from here not seen my child since May.

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Hi I will try and keep my post as brief as possible but it's complex. 

Me and my ex partner seperated a few years ago, I was and continued to be an active part of my child's life until mid way through this year. I took my child to see a relative of hers (plutonic, same [censored] - if that's relevant, no romance 🤣) that my ex didn't want me to see.

I was not allowed to see this relative after we seperated, it was HER relative. This relative has removed all contact with my ex. This relative was told they could not see our child unless they re establish contact with my ex. They have not. 

I was subjected to having the access removed from my child on several occasions for continuing my relationship with the relative (also for doing other things she told me not to) When I took my Child along she removed all access and I haven't seen my child since. My child loved this visit BTW, my child got to see lots of family members they loved spending time with. 

I was initially allowed monitored phone calls.

My ex confirmed to me and the relative that all us doing seeing each other was resulting in me not seeing my child. 

I became concerned not seeing my child due to my exs behaviour and living conditions. My ex was messaging me telling me things she was telling my child. I was so unsure what to do i called NSPCC, I had genuine concerns. They were concerned enough after my call to raise a referral. But CS did not investigate, spoke to my ex and no more was done. 

Since this referral, my ex has made up a pack of lies about me and the relative been a safeguarding risk. Mostly about me and neglect and my character. 

My ex has harassed my oldest daughter so much, the police are investigating harassment, cyber bullying and stalking. 

The police have logged an harrasnent case for me and are collating evidence. I have sent them hundreds of pieces, including someone witnessing my ex hit me in front of my child. That only scrapes the surface, it runs deep over many years. 

The relative has had a NMO hearing granted against my ex for the whole family. 

My ex had no problem with the relative being in contact with my child until they stopped contact. This relative babysat and visited every weekend and even took my Ex older child on day trips and holiday without my ex. 

What my ex does is takes some form of a truth and wraps it in lies. I believe the 'evidence' she tells me she has, has been coaxed out of my child and twisted to her narrative. She sent me a video of her putting words into my child's mouth and saying to my child its daddy's fault this is happening. The police have also seen messages and said what she us doing is parental alienation. 

I originally applied to court for a c100. I had a solicitor who said due to history I should be able to bypass mediation. My ex refuses to talk to me nicely, she's vile. She has been told to stop due to harrasnent, but she ignores it, continues an onslaught of abuse.  The courts rejected the bypass of mediation. I have since reapplied as I have now logged everything with the police, I hadn't previously as the calls to my child was all I had, but she's stopped those now too. I will do mediation if I have to but would rather not be subjected to more of her abuse. 

I have no more money for a solicitor, what are my next steps, how long will it take to get a date, what do i need to do to prepare? I know she will go tooth and nail but my only hope is that so far she has been proven to lie... Tells me school think I'm vile (she hadn't even spoke to them), reported me to social service, but they have confirmed no plan has been put in place and as its a domestic dispute it needs to be sorted via those channels, tells me police are investigating, but police accidently confirmed there's no case logged for her.

 So I hope this follows through to court.II'm just missing my child so much. I have asked my ex to at least let my parents see her, but she laughed and said no because I fell out with my parents once. My child us being excluded from her whole paternal family.

I'm trying to keep the details vague in case she somehow comes across this but as I said there's a bit more complexity to it, nothing that Warrents me as a a risk or unfit parent, but I know she will use my past as character assination 😥

Any help great fully appreciated. 



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with right guidance you can self represent. feel free to get in touch if you need need help. sending you a private message.

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I wish I had some answers for you. Before the 5 years in prison and the six months in jail I was once where you were. Now don't shut off they can that could never be you. My conviction was overturned after the entire sentence had been served by a writ of habeas corpus and the fourth district appellate Court of California division 2 if you Google my name "Donald McCurdy California" the first thing to pop up will be my appeal and that you will see that I was sent to prison for doing a mother's Day card my four-year-old son during. supervised visitation and I was sent to prison for going to a family court hearing. Supporting my son's relationship with his mother while in a dispute about who my son should live with is conduct that I believe should have been celebrated instead I was incarcerated. Lawyers are not a solution they are the problem every politician and every judge is a lawyer. It's not that they don't realize or that they don't understand the abuses that are happening by the domestic violence laws that they have put in place being so one-sided. They know exactly what they're doing they have enacted laws that instead of the father's running from Court they have them with their wallet open running two court to reclaim their house their children their property. Having been a pretty intelligent guy and been dealing with this for over 20 years I am beginning to lean quite heavily towards our forefathers framers of the Constitution and their reasons why we have a right to bear arms. Gentlemen I have fought this tooth and nail. There is a decision to be made it's time to replace a government that no longer represents its people or continue apologizing for being born male. Domestic violence laws in power women and encourage them to stand toe to toe with a man and swing way. I once woke up in an MRI with my entire face bandaged covering 18 stitches from a bottle busted across my head and which I bled out in the parking lot and was found by law enforcement with my blood soaked dog protecting my body. I was taken to jail and issued a restraining order. This is just one of many instances where I've been beaten and would not fight back and every time I was met with a restraining order. This from a woman who I raised her three children from 2 3 and 5 years old to adult and now I'm denied the right to raise my two. Men even in here on here dance around the domestic violence allegations because of embarrassment. We don't like to admit it because we know how we look at domestic violence. We don't approve. 22 restraining orders and three cpos and my wife has never needed so much as a Band-Aid or a bag of ice for her imagine injuries. The reason for this onslaught is because when my wife went to leave for the 10th affair her children now teenagers refused to go with her and stayed with stepdad to which she had even text me telling me she was going to have me thrown in jail then prison restraining order here we come 3 days before she stays the incident that put me in prison . The phone I had with me when arrested proving my innocence was hidden by the detective that I kept it imploring to look at it and see the exonerating evidence on it. With no phone in my property or in disclosed in Discovery I thought it a good idea to take the best deal I could bust her and get the [censored] out of that system. Probation however was just another form of coercion and control which just landed me in prison. When I was exonerated I went about trying to see compensation from the lawyer who provided the ineffective assistance that put me in prison. You won't find a lawyer they'll see the public defender's office at least not in California. And searching you will exceed you the 6-month statutory time limit in which to file the claim. After 2 and 1/2 years of denials bouncing around from Superior Court to appellate court to to the supreme Court. I've had to remind myself they're all lawyers and lawyers are nothing but organized crime the most successful gang of organized crime ever and when you hire them you do not pay for representation you pay for protection. When we've had enough and band together and organize and overrun whatever authority is taking our children from us that includes the mobs muscle that we know as the police force. What we have going for us is the many many members of the armed forces that have been raped while deployed by this family court system. We the people are the ones designated to uphold our constitution by our forefathers it is we the people who have trusted the implementation of these laws in the hands of those that are meant to be restrained by them. The government. Our forefathers sternly warned of special interests and elected judges causing an imbalance and it mistrust and those who govern us. Yet here we set with elected judges and special interests dictating our relationship with our children. It's time to unite and bow no more. 

The truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God


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