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When to give up?

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long story short: 

Been going through court for 3 years. Daughter spends more time with me due to mums drug and alcohol addiction, homeless, daughter very unsettled. Took it back to court in November due to mum relapsing and then getting caught drink driving, luckily not with my daughter but was supposed to be collecting her that day. 

got given a guardian (finally) guardian great, hair strand came back chronic excessive alcohol and cocaine so urgent hearing applied for by the guardian to stop contact and have supervised on a Saturday for a few months. Guardian visited my home 2 weeks ago and mums on Friday. Since Friday guardian appears to feel sorry for mum. Hearing yesterday basically kept order the same and mum stated she doesn’t have an addiction problem and can drink occasionally even though she’d made an undertaking to the court never to drink or take drugs. 

I feel completely baffled by this? How can someone completely change their mind from one meeting? I feel like giving up, the system is so corrupt, if it was me I’d have no contact. Only last hope is the pysch assessment which is due in April. 

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That is baffling to say the least, that a court would seemingly ignore the tests and past behaviour.

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Yes, its strange.  Can you casually ask the guardian what prompted the change of opinion?

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it was because there is no effective remedy for women. If this was a man she would probably be ordered to go onto a DAPP course if she was abusive, or at least some kind of alcohol related course. 

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Mate, it's the same with Sarah's and Claire's law.

My ex run off with another woman who has mental health problems and at the fact finding the judge has actually said that this new partner is a danger to be around children.

I'm not hanging around for someone else to prove that,so tried the Sarah's law,Claires law and getting absolutely nowhere.

The police are next to useless and then a social worker said that both laws apply to men only!  So there is confusion all round while this individual is still around my children.

I'd be greatful if someone can point me in the right direction what to do next.

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have you got an data or similar that shows those laws only apply to men?

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I've just made a separate thread on it.

Google search is suggesting it applies to men only, police officer I asked advice for said that's not the case and social worker saying its for men only..Sarah's law for men on the sexaul offence register,Claire's law for men convicted or charged with domestic violence. 

This new partner with the mental health probs is apparently banned from public transport due to repeated suicide attempts..and I seem the only one involved in my situation who's actually worried or wants to do something about it while judges and cafcass sit around planning next hearing.  

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@macmyers I believe you should follow the complaints process at your local police station and get this clarified in writing. Both males and females can be required to register onto the [censored] offenders register and there are plenty of 'google' articles about Claires law being used to provide disclosures on females, one being below..


Claires law isn't just for people convicted or charged but also includes any other intelligence that could indicate there is a potential threat, eg an individual could have non domestic violence charges/convictions which could result in the police disclosing eg violent robbery etc.


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@macmyers both Sarah's law and Claires law applies to men and women. The social worker is incorrect.

What have the police advised? When did you apply? They have a period of time to respond, however, before they can do any disclosures the information is considered by a disclosure committee before permission is granted to disclose to ensure that the disclosure is made correctly and to the right party. Only relevant information will be disclosed, eg someone may have an unspent drink driving conviction which would not be disclosed if unrelevant but the committee would still be presented with this information and would be part of the consideration process. Both laws only provide information that is known or held eg conviction information and/or information held on police national computer.

You say the police have been useless, what have they said so far? If the new partner has no information held then there would be no disclosure. 

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Just seen your reply, thank you for that.

I went to local police station, they said "they can't help me in the police station,I have to do it online via their website"

I go to the website and they are telling me I have to go to the local police station!   Frustration is not the word.

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@macmyers not all police stations are equipped to deal with such query, hence follow up complaints process.

My own local force has an online form to complete and they would then make contact to discuss the matter further. From looking at other nearest police forces they also have the same process.

Are you sure your local force doesn't have an online form to complete too? 


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