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When should I hear ...
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[Solved] When should I hear from CAFCASS?

Posts: 23
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Joined: 12 years ago

What is says on the tin really.
Had my CAFCASS section 7 report on the 14th and she said I should have an email copy (as requested) within a week.
Been on the edge of my seat all week, and lo and behold nothing has turned up yet...
Is it too soon to ring?
Hearing isn't until December so it isn't exactly urgent. But this report holds the future of contact with my son!

When did you all hear about yours?

6 Replies
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Posts: 1020

I think that it took a few weeks for mine. Some may take longer but there was a court deadline on the creation of my report.



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Posts: 23

Thank you for your reply, I just can't stop worrying.

My court deadline says report to be filed on the 21st October, which was yesterday, so in theory is now with the court, just not with me!

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Posts: 1020

They may be late with itt, not unheard of.

When is the next hearing?

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Posts: 23

It's on the 2nd of December, so ages away I know.
I'm just concerned that if there's something wrong with it, the timescale of a query might be huge!
Will hold off until Friday if I can, then ring.

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Posts: 13

Hey dad407 just wanted to say that Caffcass are slow but they will deliver.
There is something important though i wanted to add.

When you receive the report and read it
IF you have any problems or don't agree then you MUST ]contact caffcass.
I made the mistake of complaining to the judge who simply said sorry but you should have done it before coming back to court.

So my thought is this.
Allow enough time to read it, allow enough time to disagree and send back.
If you are not happy with the report and run out of time then ask the court to adjourn until you have had chance to sort it out.
Once that report is sent into court you cannot get it changed.

I am on my 3rd contact order and had two previous reports 1st was ok the second was awful and did not get it changed
just asumed i could complain to the judge. I could not

Good luck


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Posts: 23

az546 - thank you for your advice. The report being wrong is what I am most worried about and that's why I want to give plenty of time for mistakes to be amended.

Update: I rang my Cafcass worker today and she said that she had already emailed it?! So I gave her my email address again and she said she will try again. I don't know whether that's today - have been refreshing my inbox for hours- or Monday, but will keep you informed. The report is already with the court as I understand it.


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