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[Solved] What to do next?

Posts: 18
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(@Loving Dad)
Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago


I have posted in here before but i will keep it short and give you an update. My son is 10 months old now and myself and my ex have never seen eye to eye since he was born. She is very controlling and everything is always under her terms etc. She reduced the contact to once a fortnight for 6 hours. I told her that this isnt enough and that she would leave me no choice but to do something about it. After going to Mediation which she didnt attend i apllied to court for a contact order. After she recieved the papers she rang me to ask if we can talk about this, she apologised and we drew up a new agreement where i would see my son every wednesday and every other sat/sun 9am-5pm with over night stays starting from december. We agreed to have this put in righting and made legal through our solicitors and to be reviewed when he is 18 months. So i have dropped the conact order through court.
Today i have had a text saying that i can't see him tomorrow because he has conjunctivitis and that i might be able to see him at the weekend.
I want to applie for shared residence but not sure when the right time should be, should i wait to when he is 18 months so that he has been staying at mine overnight a little more?

Thanks for reading

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My personal opinion is that if you are going to apply, you may as well do it sooner rather than later, on the basis that you son will adapt better to shared care the younger he is, and the court proceedings may take some time anyway. Your ex does sound like she may be wary of going to court, so you may well get an agreement anyway, and she may be more prepared to go to mediation now that you have shown your willingness to go to court, so suggest this first and see what reaction you get.


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