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I am taking my ex to court for 50/50 shared custody. She has refused 4 attempts at mediation claiming she will only attend if I pay for her.
Back story; have been having my teenage daughters 3 nights a week (well 4 one week 2 the next) for the past 18 months or so, prior to that I was having them 4 one week and 1 the next.
I have requested 50/50 but she refused claiming that she won't let me have the girls those extra two nights a month as the eldest 'has issues' with my wife/their step Mum. I have spoken to my eldest and she says this isn't true. Both girls following a discussion said they were happy to stay 50/50, the youngest even said I don't understand why we can't. They then went home to their mother, and she replied to my email request stating that the girls never said they wanted to stay 50/50 and that I was lying...
A month or so later, she opens a case with the CMS as she wanted more money from me. However, my tax return shows nil income as I am self employed and my business is making a loss. CMS idiots call her and tell her I have claimed to be unemployed (which I never did I merely uploaded my tax return). And now my girls won't talk to me as she has told them I am lying about not earning. I have no way of knowing if they are choosing not to talk to me and come round, or if their mother is telling them that they can't.
So court seems like the only option of getting my girls back. I can't event talk to them to explain what is happening and that I have never once lied about not working.
What are the chances do you think of me getting access through the courts?
Advice would be so very much appreciated as I am so scared of losing my children forever over an argument about money that my ex has put them in the middle of.
sorry to hear about your issues. how old are the kids? child contact and child maintenance are 2 totally separate issues, so I think it's unfair that your ex is linking those together and stopping you seeing the children. if she is not letting you see the kids, then you can apply to court for a child arrangement order. hope it goes well for you.
Apply for an urgent child arrangement application and an urgent hearing stating that contact is not taking place. In the application state the arrangements that you seek e.g 2-2-5-5, every other week during summer holidays and alternate half term.
You must only propose arrangements that are good for the children. This is particularly important as yours are teenagers which means that their views, in the ears of the court and Cafcass, have Hugh weighting.
I recommend collections after school to ensure contact and minimise conflict with your ex. Going forward, stick to written communication with your ex and don’t entertain petty arguments that can spiral into arguments that could be used against you.
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- The forum is not moderated 24 hours per day.
- Many of the moderators do so on a voluntary basis. Whilst they may be able to provide some guidance, advice or support, they may not be able to deal with specifics.
- We are not an emergency crisis service so if you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call emergency services.
- If you are concerned about the safety of a child, please click here to find the support you can get for them (link to new page)
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