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unbiological father...
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[Solved] unbiological fathers rights

Posts: 2
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New Member
Joined: 11 years ago

if I am not my sons biological father but have paid maintenance and visited regularly since he was born and my name is on the birth certificate , what rights do I have if a new step dad wants me out.

5 Replies
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Joined: 11 years ago

Honorable Member
Posts: 355

I think as you are on birth certificate then DNA doesn't mean anything. You (i think) have same rights as biological father.

I hope things work out for you.

Joined: 11 years ago

New Member
Posts: 2

thank you but the step dad is threatenin g to tell the possible biological father to get rid of me, I am scared I will lose him

Joined: 11 years ago

Reputable Member
Posts: 284

Hello Danny123

Since you are on the birth certificate I would assume that there are quite a few things to consider.
May I ask how old your child is?
Do you have contact with your child?
It would have to be some sort of long legal thing to get your name removed from the
birth certificate since it can't be removed just willy-nilly.
Has a DNA test been done to establish paternity?

Take care

Joined: 13 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

If she put your name on the birth certificate knowing you were not the father that is an offence and she could be punished for it. I would stand your ground, it could be a bluff to try and frighten you off. If you have been paying maintenance and have regular contact then my feeling is that even if it got to court you would have grounds to continue to be in the child's life.

Does the child know you as Daddy and as Kirsten asks how old is the child?

Joined: 15 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

You have been acting as the boy's father, and that does count for a lot in court, even if it is proved that you are not his biological father - I would say that in court, you would have a good case for getting a contact order.


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