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Stuck before it’s b...
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[Solved] Stuck before it’s begun, this is not right

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She never went to a doctor is the issue but once she burned herself as a point to me but we put it down as an accident

But proof I have is

Making suicide emails up
Going into my social media and sending herself messages. She made my account and I never thought to change it. The suicide part is rock solid

She phoned me around 20 times prior to the first hearing despite alleging so much [censored] to see if I would come down to meet her, I knew this was a trap

She won’t let our son ever see any family again, surely this is not good for the child and the life I want to give him is with a full family

We have been blocked since 30th July but she keeps calling on withheld numbers trying to rile me up

I went to court on .30th June but all they said due to police involved they want a cafcass report

She didn’t do anything as required on 30th July the hearings was adjourned as she’s claimed I pushed her and mentally abused her with the suicide email. Her legal aid solic got it transferred and the judge again said I had to wait

Then it took until 17th sept for the first hearing to be listed for end of November....

My salary is too high for legal aid around 40k ish in total I would say. I thought about giving up my job but left it

Now it will be 5 months in tota once the first hearing begins

This is just a joke

You can’t raise a child with no family at all because you deem it so when nobody has done anything

She said she will make allegations about every single family member in both sides and so on

A blue tooth recorder is 80 quid , I’m tmeped to get it but read judges don’t like people being recorded

I can’t understand how poor the court systems are, how can they make someone wait this long

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what is your ex's situation? is she working? does she have a stash of savings in her account? just because someone is getting legal aid, don't assume that she is really entitled to it. my ex got legal aid, despite thousands quietly sitting in her account. i got her busted and legal aid revoked :p

that bluetooth thing is expensive. dont bother. just use a recording app on your phone, or 2nd phone. you can ask your lawyer is worth the hassle of recording and can it be used as evidence.

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She’s never worked

Refused always, just went on shopping trips on my card and holidays

Now is claiming I kept her from working and trapped...i can’t wait to see the judges reaction to someone trapped going on fancy holidays

I made her cv, applied jobs for her but she said she didn’t get married to have to work

I got a new solic today who told me a few dirty tricks

My ex was rubbing in the fact she went to Greece despite a travel ban, he said record her as you have a no contact ban but she will admit breaching that herself once we discuss the Greece situation in court and her breaching the no travel outside of the country order

It’s so frustrating the hearing is so long

Will be 5-6 months before I see my son when I have done nothing

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