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standing in for a f...
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[Solved] standing in for a friend as legal help over contac

Posts: 10
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Active Member
Joined: 12 years ago

hi all, but is it a problem with standing in for a friend over legal help to do with contact, because she has been unable to get a solictor in time for court which is this week on wensday, it is the secound time it has been in court over contact order which has been breeched by one party via by stopping contact, so how would this go against that party, and two is it possailbe for me to stand up in court as her legal help, because comparred to my case, it is very simple due to other factors being taken in consideration of the past relationship bewteen both partys and the abilty of one party being able to provide the basic of things to look after a child

tyanks again in advance for any adive or reply given

2 Replies
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Joined: 14 years ago

Noble Member
Posts: 1072

Hi There,

I'm not sure you would be able to (unless you are a solicitor of course) but I would phone the courts and ask.

It's my understanding that only legal representation would be allowed in court.


Joined: 13 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

Hi there,

I agree with Darren, the best thing to do is ask the court. You could try saying that you are asking to be there in a McKenzie Friend capacity. You would not be allowed to speak for her though, if you were allowed in it would just be to support her.

As the case is tomorrow, in all honesty I think its too late and the court is likely to say no.


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