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Sorry guys but I ne...
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[Solved] Sorry guys but I need to vent off a little steam….

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Joined: 14 years ago

Sorry guys but I need to vent off a little steam….

I have just discovered that my ex who I split with two years ago is getting married on 20th Dec 2011 to the man she met less than a year ago and moved in with in may this year in to the house we shared and that I still have my name on the mortgage!
And he is seeing my son every day and yet I can’t get the courts to stop her game playing and delaying tactics!
How is this affecting my little boy….is he being told to call him daddy now?!! [censored] a million and one thoughts are running through my mind now!

Finding of fact hearing is on the 9th Dec…this is where I can finally show the evidence that proves I’m not what she tried to make me out to be!
22nd Dec is the contact hearing that will determine what I should be allowed to see my little boy.

Now I know about this I’m not even allowed to ask who or what this guy’s back ground is who is allowed to be around my son! If I had another woman she’d need to know!!

[censored] this is so unfair to me - a loving genuine daddy who has done nothing wrong but leave a spiteful hateful person for what he thought would be best for his future happiness with his son and family.

I’m in bits and quite frankly sh*tting myself at the thought of representing myself in court on both 9th & 22nd Dec.

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no problem with having a rant on here, that's part of the reason we're here.

I'm not surprising you're worried about representing yourself, it's a nerve-racking experience going to court so it's perfectly normal. However, it will help you as hopefully you will go far more prepared than if you weren't worried about it. As yoji has said before, make sure you are very well prepared. Make sure you have everything easily to hand (this is one advantage of representing yourself - a solicitor will have a number of cases on the go so has to remember which is which, whereas you have only one case to be concerned with, and you know it inside out) - post it notes in your file are useful so you can lay your hand on any important documents very quickly. and write yourself a checklist of all you want to cover (in descending order of importance), and tick them off so you can be satisfied that when you come out of court, you have covered everything you want to. Make notes in court if necessary for anything you may want to follow up later, as you almost certainly won't remember everything that goes on in court.

Good luck with it all.

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Eminent Member
Posts: 24

HI there just read your post. Just wanted to show you my support and honestly say I can imagine what your are going through. You sound determined and show you have all the love in the world for your child- put all that energy into the fact finding. I know how this can effect you mentally and physically its a mixture of things, not knowing, hoping and things causes a lot of anxiety &...stress! Its effected me also. I'm currently stating some counselling soon, as your right after a while people get bored of you going on and on ( never ending story..) its a hard place to be, because its all you can think about. Just wanted to say you have come this far, the idea of keeping a video diary is good, Think ill do that just so I can let feelings out and show my child what happened at the time and how much I tried. lastly wanted to say good luck mate.

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Posts: 2

My partner is going through exactly the same as you although we are a bit further down the line where court is concerned.

His ex is a total nightmare and is now marrying a man shes known less than a year and has moved him in to live with my partners son.

He knows exactly how it feels to know another man is allowed to see your son everyday yet you have to fight in court for access, its so unfair.

My partners son has already called this man step daddy so hes obviously been brainwashed by her and him.

We are awaiting a hearing on 20th January and at the moment his ex is stopping contact or trying to due to her harrasing us at the last overnight stay we had, she actually turned up her and wanted to collect her son, the police advised us she couldnt.

My partner is self repping and its not been too hard so far to be honest, he got overnight stays within 4 months from 4 hours a week so a big change.

By now you must have been to court, how did it go?

vicky xx

Joined: 14 years ago

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Posts: 1306

It went amazingly for me see my posts from a few weeks ago under the heading Topic: in court friday - posted 3 weeks, 4 days ago.

just keep everything recorded is the biggest thing i've learnt and eventually the truth will come out and if you have been honest and truthfull all the way through there shouldn't be a judge in the land not find in your favour....if that is in the best interests of the child i have to add.


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