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Social Services Rep...
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[Solved] Social Services Report

Posts: 31
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Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Folks,

Ex finally pushed enough buttons so that Social Services became involved. They duely did an assessment of the children (2 boys, aged 11 and 8). Social Services initially refused to visit my house or speak to me face to face. Finally had a meeting after their report was published (which basically said that the kids were not in immediate danger so nothing can be done). SS updated report, taking into account what was discussed at the meeting I had with them and the diatribe of anger and allegations made by the ex. All unfounded - she has a narrative that I am continually abusing her and her statement in the SS report is even more lurid and fanciful.
Issue is that ex has said that I was under a non-molestation order. I have never been subject to one nor has she, to my knowledge, ever applied to have one issued against me. Unfortunately because of various things to do with my job, this could be problematic. I have asked SS to remove this particular accusation because it is a complete fabrication but they are refusing because it's the ex's opinion.
I have asked for a note to be added to the file stating it is a fabrication (and am waiting for SS to get back to me as to whether they will). Suing the ex for libel is pointless as it will only cost me money as no repertational damage has been done (yet). Is there anything I can do to get this removed? Is it worth asking SS that if they won't add a note clarifying that the statement about the non-molestation order is a lie that I request it's removal under GDPR as they are not holding accurate information about me?



3 Replies
Posts: 5416
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago


ex partners say all kinds of rubbish and social services write it down. if you have never been served with an NMO and theres no record of it, then I wouldn't worry about it.

Posts: 8551
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago

Perhaps it might be worth seeking proper legal advice about it, many solicitors offer a free initial consultation that you might find helpful.

All the best

Posts: 31
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Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago

Thanks for the responses - SS finally added a note to the file after much to and fro discussion.



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