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so much paper work ...
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[Solved] so much paper work c100

Posts: 23
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Joined: 12 years ago

I am in the process of filing a c100 and C1A form and have come up with a little confusion. Please advise.
I need 4 copies of c100 and C1A
How many copies of ex160A for remission of fees?
How many copies of FM1?
How many copies of proof of benefits?
and as it's varying an existing order do I need to fill in form c1?
I was thinking just to make 4 copies of everything to be on the safe side but maybe this post may help someone and inform me of the correct procedures

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Posts: 5426

4 x copies of the C100
4 x copies of the C1a
4x copies FM1

These are your actual application forms and that's why you need x4 of them. 1 set for the court, 1 for the other party, 1 for CAFCASS and 1 for you.

2 x copies of the EX160a .... The original for the court and a copy for your records
1 x copy of proof of benefits

These are just for the court to claim an exemption from fees, it's always best to keep a copy of everything you send to anyone involved in the case for your own records.

If you are applying for variation of the contact order you will not need to fill in the C1. The C1 is if you wish to add another application to a case that is still going through court.


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