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Should I have recei...
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Should I have received a c1a from respondent?

Posts: 17
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Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago

Hey all .


I have final contested hearing on Friday this week... Only just got the court letter and orders with ex's response .. she states she has submitted a c1a ( which my c100 actually quotes a lot of what I assume she is saying as I have proof of false reports, etc).... However I haven't received her c1a so have no idea what I am supposed to respond to... Can I check if I was supposed to see what I am being accused of?

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Posts: 5423
Illustrious Member
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Can you check court papers and see what statement it's asking you to prepare.

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Posts: 17

@bill337 AHH nothing in the orders.   Just the witness statement gp records and evidence..


One quick one if I can... I didn't provide any detail on CMS in my initial c100 as I have no issue and any change in care will alter CMS anyway ... Ex have provided lots of false info about CMS ..... Do I assume court will talk about CMS or will they ignore it as I thought c100 is for care only and not financials.

Posts: 5423
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago

Ok I suggest you focus on writing a good witness statement. Ignore CMS issues, court will not be interested, as it's treated totally separate to child arrangements.

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Eminent Member
Posts: 17

@bill337 thanks for that... Statements are in already... Jus received hers... Hers is all about her and how changes will put her out and CMS owed (never missed payments so it's a lie)..


Mines all about impact of her lies on kids playdate or invite friends over...asks for additional nights but mum declines, false harrassment police reports then invites me over and sit next to her at school events which I have to decline in front of other parents .. all evidenced I have shows attempts at amicable but she does something behind scenes to create havoc .  It's in so hoping it addresses without looking aggressive or petty.


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