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hello I am separated from child’s mother. Child arrangement order in place for last 7 years. She has got residency, I have just applied back to the courts for shared residency. I have PR. We don’t meet all communication is by phone calls, email, text. My child is 9 years old, he seems to be constantly on medication for one thing or another. His mother doesn’t always tell me that he is absent from school poorly or if he has been to see a GP, dentist, hospital. She recently told me that if I want to know anything I should ask her and try coparenting, she always throws co-parenting at me, where I think she is the one that doesn’t do this. As she has residency, I thought she should tell me about any medical issues with our child? If I don’t know he is poorly why would I ask. I recently obtained a copy of his medical record from his GP, the amount of medication he has had is shocking. There are also things on there that I disagree that he had, but during covid his GO gave prescriptions on her say so of symptoms she said he was having, I saw him during these times and never saw this. I’m trying to decide what I should do about this. Throughout his medical record I can see that she has asked for copies every few months, so she will soon find out that I have a full copy.
As the resident parent should she tell me upfront about medical issues, if yes I could use this in court to help me get shared residency?
Any other advice  would be appreciated

thank you

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I can imagine it's a bit if a shock seeing the medical records. 

However, no obligation on her to proactively tell you unless there are medical reasons, eg child needs observing due to a fall or child is on a course if medication which you need to continue when in your care. 

Do you guys use a contact book for handovers where you can record important info for the other parent? 

Whilst you may disagree with some of the things in medical notes, you got to be careful about how you go about challenging, after all you may end up questioning the medical professionals etc.. 

Now that you have the records, did you contact the GP to discuss them? If not that may be what you should do 1st so that you have a better understanding, after all the notes you have may not reflect everything and the full picture. 

In relation to Co parenting, there is lots of good stuff online that could help you both to do this effectively. 


All the best... 



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