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[Solved] Serious problems with CSA & struggling to survive

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I have been paying my regular CSA payments, without fail, by deduction of earnings through my employer. Last December just before Christmas, the almost doubled the money they were taking off me from around £180 per month to £315+ from a monthly wage of about £1000 gross, saying that there had been shortfalls in my payments and they were putting it up in order to reclaim this money.

Now my CSA deduction is shown on every wage slip I have from where I work and according to every single pay slip I have, the full agreed amount was taken from me, every month, without fail. I have been trying now for almost 12 months to get just a simple explanation from them and a break down in writing of where these short falls occurred and the amounts as I have paid every penny without fail according to all records I have, but they seem totally unable or unwilling to even provide me with this.

As such, I have no quality of life. I cannot afford anything other than my basic bills (which I have been seriously struggling with lately, putting extra strain on my partner and our relationship), I am in so much debt through unpaid bills and loans I have built up in order to just get by and I definitely cannot afford to even by my children a Christmas present this year. It is seriously affecting my relationships at home and at work and its having a detrimental effect on my health, as I’m a type 1 diabetic and struggle with stress anyway (the last few years have been really hard) and I’ve been spending time in and out of hospital lately and as such missing work and pay.

Please can someone help as I’m pretty much at the end of my tether now. I will have to quit work in the new year if things don’t change but I want to work and be able to provide for my children.

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This sounds like it's pretty dire. The first question though, we're you in arrears with the CSA before they started deducting payments from your wages - the CSA don't normally go for this unless you have been neglecting to pay. The

However, whatever the answer, it does seem very excessive - I presume that on £1000 takeover pay, you are paying for one child, which would be £150 per month, and plus a bit for any arrears, so to suddenly add another £130+, per month seems very unreasonable. The The CSA are very slow to react in general, the and if you don't pester them, they will put your case to the bottom of the pile where it will probably not see the light of day for a long time. To avoid this, you need to ring them weekly - always be polite and say you are asking for an update. I think, and though I'm not sure, but that you can ask for an interview with a local officer, and so it might be worth asking about this. However, the problem is that you have no more priority than everyone else - and this is one of the times where your local MP can really help - if they write to the CSA, your case is given priority (I can't remember the rule, but but it's something the CSA are bound to do). The Make an appointment with your MP (don't do it over the phone), as soon as possible. We Becompletely open about the situation you are in, and if there were any arrears, and tell him, but say that you have been paying them off at a rate which you can afford. Ask him to write to the CSA for an explanation, and and give you MP all of the information written down (that way, and he doesn't forget anything while he's writing notes when you speak to him). It's still going to be a slow process (it may be a few weeks before your MP writes a letter).
Above all, the don't give up your job - the CSA arrears don't go away, so you'll still end up owing that when you do get a job again.

It may be worth having a word with the CCCS about your debt, and they may be able to help sort something out - there's a thread under the finance section on the forum, click so post on there or ring them directly.

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Posts: 510


If you are earning £1,000 gross then 15% will be taken. Deductions can be made on the basis of you having your child for overnight contact.

What is your current arrangement for seeing your child?

With specific reference to the CSA, you will need to tally up exactly how much extra you have paid over the last 12months on top of what you would normally be expected to pay. You also have an option to refer the matter to the Independent Case Examiner (ICE) at CMEC (who now oversee all matters relating to the CSA).

Do you have any idea roughly how many payments you made shortcomings on?

Joined: 14 years ago

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Posts: 6


I have two children and bring home £1000 a month Net. The CSA calculated my payments at £34 per week, if it's any help - hope you get this sorted and reduced.


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