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[Solved] Section 7 HELP

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Hi all

New to this so forgive me if post has been placed before by someone.

On separation we made a local agreement of one full day and one night every 2 weeks, I was kind of hoping things would work its self out. as time went on I realised that it was final and we was going our own ways. I have been withheld holiday contact forcing me to enter court and lost due to the children not spending enough time away from there mother, I accepted this as knew my C100 application covered a CAO as well.

She tells me that she could not live without them for a week however no proof of that and she has said she feels that they are too young (6 & 4) to travel overseas want unfamiliar UK travel before familiar overseas trave (familiar as holiday home in spain that children have been to about 10 times)

after un served Non-Mol by applicant (however courts served it due to severity of lies within statement) I had a social services section 47 and my best guess was that was all fine (unseen) as Non-Mol discharged and still had contact. when I applied for court for SIO I the had a PSO placed due to abduction (pointless as I am seeking permission from the courts), both of which was applied for under non notice hearing.

in court start of Jan more and more accusation was passed however I felt that the judge ignored them as all of her statements was contradicting, unsure what to focus on, using every trick in the book, claim family are unsafe (yet also said prepaid for family to look after children) and so on.

we was both interviewed before the hearing by cafcass and I was asked about only 2 of her accusations of which I answered how they happened.

The hearing she lead the whole thing and Cafcass subjected a Section 7 of which I am fine however im unsure of what it is. I will also add that I also gained more time with the children upping it to 3 nights in 14 (intrim order), however I was looking for a total of 3 midweek nights.

my questions are
1) what is the section 7 and what to exspect?
2) is the 3 nights a test to gain more towards my 6 in total?
3) any tips to gain holiday contact?

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for section 7 report, social worker will interview you, either at their office or your home. will ask you questions, and respond to allegations of abuse by ex etc. you just needs to stay calm and child-focused. they will be judging your character. will ask you what kind of arrangements are you seeking for his children. so ask whatever you like and dont forget about things like holidays abroad/half school holidays. you should try your best to not bad-mouth the ex. you needs to stay calm and not argue with the officer.

you should get cafcass parenting plan from here, complete it and show it to officer at interview:

i did it and woman was surprised & saw me as being the child-focused parent.

you should receive the finished report in time for the next hearing, and you will be asked to write a response to it, especially if theres anything in it which you disagree with. you should not argue with the report writer. wait for the court hearing and voice your disagreements there.

the report is important as social worker will make recommendations as to how often you will see your kids. and this is what the judges will go with. i hope it goes well for you. please keep us updated and let us know how it went.

* ignore her about children being too young. my ex said similar things during my case. one kid was aged 2 and a half when she started staying overnight with me. other one was 5. cafcass officer had no problem with me taking them on holiday abroad. tell officer that kids will be safe with you abroad, and its possible you could get family members to go with you, or your partner if you have one. so ask for more contact, like every other weekend, friday - sunday. this i what dads get almost all of the time. also ask for mid-week overnight. in my case i did not get that, as probably due to one child being 2 years old at the time.


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