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Section 37 Ordered
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[Solved] Section 37 Ordered

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Posts: 53
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Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Kingfoswing,

Not sure if it's usual/unusual that a statement is required. I had to do one for the last S37, but not for the S7's before.

You may want to write your thoughts and opinions (keep it to a few pages tops) and share with Social Services regardless. Explain that you want to ensure your opinions are recorded accurately - it is often the case that things get missed off final reports, or worded in too soft, too harsh or completely the wrong tone!

You could include in that letter something along the lines of "I am providing this short letter to reflect my feelings on what has led us where we are today and my personal thoughts on how we as parents can work together for XXX's benefit ..."

It's good you have evidence to support your claims, but try not to bombard SS. They'll likely be receiving similar from your ex so it may end up being a massive case of he said, she said and parents not able to let go of the past. I get the impression in a lot of circumstances, they'll assume both parents are exaggerating their claims and there is a bit of blame on both sides.

You can just say that there have been many allegations made against you, which you of course deny, but that your focus isn't on proving or disproving these (which you'd be happy to provide proof to the contrary if required). You can show your concern that it feels there is a focus with your ex on frustrating promoting a positive relationship for your child with both parents. All that you want is for your child to be a happy, well-rounded, contributing member of society with a diverse outlook on life made up of both parent's input. Give credit where due to your ex for her contribution to your child's development as well.

It's great that you are keeping things child-focussed - the more you do this, the more you'll be able to overlook when your ex tries to frustrate things, and the more emotional energy you'll have left for you little one! Just keep showing that you are the one focussed on the future and working together in a spirit of co-parenting.

Cheers, CD.

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Hi CD.
Hope you don't mind. I have PM-d you

Posts: 53
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Joined: 8 years ago

No probs at all, will respond via PM.


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