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reason for C1 or C2...
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[Solved] reason for C1 or C2 form

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Can someone give me some examples of the wordings of the reasons that can be put on the C1 and C2 forms. I'm applying for a parental responsibilty order, as well as a contact order.

obviously i know the reasons: i want equal say in education, child care, i also want access and i want to be able to plan when i have him. i also want her to have to consult me before taking him out of the country or away from London.

unfortunately but unsurprisingly, a lot of my reasons are 'negative' but that's because we really do not see eye to eye. so i want to move away from here cancelling his visits with me, and having to jump through hoops to get to see him. she, like many before her, uses him as a tool and for leverage, after she deftly left me out of the birth certificate.

so if someone can help me with some clear, comprehensive and court-compatible wording, i'd be extremely grateful.

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Hi Jerome

I don't think you'll have any success in getting her to consult you if she takes your son out of London, certainly for short trips, and even for moving permanently if she has a genuine reason to move. To the best of my knowledge, a contact order also allows the parent with care to take children out of the country for up to 30 days without needing to seek permission, and this wouldn't normally be changed unless there was an extremely good reason for doing so - this clause is probably there to allow family holidays abroad without having to go back to court each time to get permission, which is a sensible measure.

Assuming you don't have a solicitor at present, it would probably be worth ringing the Childrens Legal Centre directly (there's a link on the website) to get help with specific wording and the use of the C1 (I think it's now C100) and C2 forms.

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Ok brilliant

thanks for the advice

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more on this topic...

i still would love to get some examples of reasons that people have used. Any sample wording would be great. The children legal centre are friendly enough and have added a couple of really useful pieces of advice:
- first seek a Parental Responsibilty Agreement, before resorting to a court for an order.
- they have confirmed that parental responsibility should be granted outright and there would not be any specific justification for conditions to be attached by the mother (i want to cut that one off at the pass if i can)

concerning applying to the court with a C1 /C2 forms, they say that it is customary to use the court where the child lives.

Anyway, if someone still has a copy of wordings they've used that would be great. Anyone? anyone?

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Honorable Member
Posts: 510

Hi Jerome,

I take it you have managed to complete the rest of the C1 Form?

For the Reasons for the C1:
- For my Request of Parental Responsibility to be granted through the [NAME OF COURT]
- This to allow my involvement and be recognised as a benefit to [YOUR CHILD] in respect of Education, Health and further welfare as he/she may need

For the form C2:
Firstly ensure that your particulars under Section 2 are "concise"
- Currently requesting a C1 Order to run in tandem with this that i be recognised as [CHILDS NAME] Parent

To be fair the C2 form is often very "slack" and the C100 a much more compliant form. In my opinion the C2 needs more thinking on your feet as Legal Advisers can be pretty probing of the intents that are there. For example what agreements were there, have you tried mediation etc.

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i've attempted three times now, at weekly interval, to get the mother to sign the agreement to parental responsibility but she is not interested.

my mum (the boy's grandmother) is terribly upset and anguished, and is urging me to seek redress via the court. And of course i don't see my son anymore and i'm completely unable to continue the relationship with him.

Thanks Yogi for the reasons, that's perfect and concise and really valuable (i.e. even better than helpful...).

In your response, Yogi, you said something which is leading me to seek a little bit more clarification. I am no longer sure what the interaction is between the form C1 and the form C2. I think I understood it three weeks ago but now I can't remember with certainty: am I right in thinking that to apply for Parental Responsibility Order I need to fill and submit both forms C1 and C2? And the other question is that I am no longer sure whether I have to apply for the Parental Responsibility Order first, and then for a Contact Order second? Or whether I need or should apply for both parental responsibility and contact order at the same time?

Another question I have concerns the court that I should feel the papers that. Does it have to be the court nearest to where the child is 'held' i.e. lives, or can I file the papers at my local court?

the travelling in the distance is a bit of a bone of contention because amongst other things, my ex expects me to pay £1200 every month, to do all the travelling and to have limited & supervised access which she sets up and cancels arbitrarily. This is bearing in mind I have been out of a job for the past eight months. I've reduced how much I give to £400 a month and even that is more than I can afford now. The only way I can pay my mortgage is because my mum is helping me.

many thanks if you can help me clarify on my three questions above.

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Illustrious Member
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I'll leave the question on forms to yoji as he's far more the expert on these than I am.

The court is normally the one nearest to where te children live, so you may as well file the papers there rather than going for a local and then the case being transferred there which might be seen as you being awkward.

With regards maintenance, I'd contact the CSA and ask them to assess - assuming you are on benefits, you should only be paying £5 per week - that doesn't mean you can't voluntarily pay more, but that's your choice.

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Just to follow on from actd's last post

For advice on Child Maintence I would contact our friends at Child Maintenance Options for unbiased advice on where you stand legally, how much you should be paying and how to deal with the CSA. Here are their contact details below (just promise to tell them we sent you and pop back here to tell us what they said)

Call Child Maintenance Options in confidence on freephone*

0800 988 0988 From 8 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday / From 9 am to 4 pm Saturday

Visit Options online at

Visit the Child Maintenance Options blog online at

* Calls to 0800 numbers are free from BT landlines but you may have to pay if you use another phone company, a mobile phone, or if you are calling from abroad.

btw loving your use of multi coloured text 😉

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Posts: 6

Thanks Gooner

it's not really about the money, although it's got to be sensible and i have to keep a roof over my head.

Like the cat on your profile. am i right in thinking it's british shorthair lilac? lovely temperament as well as lovely animals...

i'll call those numbers and try & complete my understanding.

Colours choices because i'm bored of black and white...

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Honorable Member
Posts: 510

Hi Jerome,

Sorry for the late reply.

In answer to your question: C1 will be what you are using for the Court to make an Order that you be recognised as having parental responsibility. As essentially the C1 form is exactly that, a request that the Court make an Order.

Your C2 form is where you are applying for [usually] some form of variation made to an existing order. The C100 is the form that should be attached to the C2.

You can reply for PR in tandem with any hearing that might come before the Courts. For the forms to be submitted they need to be sent to the Court that is local to the Child. No court will allow or expect a custodian parent to make arrangements to travel any further than they are needed to.

If you have lost your job, you need to go through Maintenance options to reduce. If you are paying £400 a month and yet earning £0, you will not be doing yourself any favours. Equally should your ex contest hearings repeatedly... the war of attrition will affect you most.

Hope this helps...


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