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[Solved] Quick question regarding over night stays

Posts: 4
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Joined: 12 years ago

Like I said just a quickie. My partners ex has started saying their son doesn't want to visit every weekend which he has done for 6 years (he is now 11). It does make me wonder if that has something to do with the fact CSA are now involved.

How would the court see this? Should she be making him? It appears she doesn't. The problem lies with the distance. It is a long car journey and we do have different rules here which he struggles with as he is an only child and here we are an extended family.

Any advice gratefully recieved.

2 Replies
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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

Hi there

I think if theres a court order that states overnight stays, then the mother is duty bound to abide by it...However, as you've probably gatherd from the posts from other members on here, that doesnt always happen.

If you think she is using the child because of financial gain with CSA, then the courts would take a dim view of this.

At 11 hes at that funny age ~ not quite a teenager, but in his eyes, not a child anymore! Perhaps Dad could write to him and encourage his visits, tell him how much he and everyone would miss his weekend visits... its always best to try and sort it out between yourselves first but if thats just not possible then you could return to court for an enforcement order.

Good luck with everything.

Joined: 14 years ago

Noble Member
Posts: 1072

Hi There,

I'd tend to agree with NJ and thats a great suggestion to trty and get Dad to write to him, try in the letter to remind him of the fun things you do when he comes, He is at an odd age where he wants to probably spend more time with his friends than family.



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