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Questions at fact f...
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[Solved] Questions at fact finding hearing

Posts: 149
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Joined: 12 years ago

Hi all,

As you know in the new year I am off for a 2 day fact finding hearing.
The ex wife came over after an arranged marriage in feb 2008, by may of the same year she was pregnant.
Cruicial info in a statement she said that after 2 weeks of living with me, things were already bad and suffering abuse but despite that later wanted to bring a child into the relationship!!!
By July of 2008 she fled pleading DV and has refused contact since.

She has pulled the police disclosure report which shows only two incidents, both stated by police as saying insufficient evidence
Then there was one I made after she bit me, in her statement saying this was because I strangled her! Which is a lie as She wouldn't be ale to bite me if I was doing that.... I have a medical report confirming that I was bitten, and it was a human bit mark

There is no other evidence except for her reports to welfare officers and outreach workers, who only take her word on the subject so actually no real evidence.

I already have a list of questions, but wondered if anyone can have a glance and think of any questions that would be prudent to ask.

Many thanks

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Can't think of anything offhand I'm afraid.


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