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Quick background to give some context-
Divorced 7.5 years ago after 9 years of marriage and 3 children aged now between 8 and 11.
Had a good joband paid my maintenance happily till I quit to pursue a small business oppurtunity just over a year ago and am now in a bit of a financial mess.
Ex has had 2 relationships since leaving the first of which was the person she had the affair with in the first place and she's always found something to complain about me to all and sundry - including my kids.
This has got worse since not being able to afford to pay her any maintenance although I fully look after the needs of the kids when I have them and she and her current guy have now got very good jobs and are very comfortably off.
Anyways- the problem that I have is twofold and one was born of the other-
1. She constantly verbally abuses me and runs me down both to myself, mutual friends and the children.
2. This, and her seeming want to erase me out of the kids lives, has fuelled her latest boyfriend of now 3 years, to try and push his way into all my roles as a father.
I know that nothing can change the fact I'm my girls father and I have a really good relationship with them but it's very wearing and that coupled with my financial situation at the moment has led to being prescribed anti-depressants.
I'm not a confrontational person and like to talk things out reasonably but she goes instantly on the attack every time.
Also, the new guy has started to run me down to the kids and he started coming to the parents evenings and my eldest had an options evening recently and he came to that and started sounding off his opinion to her teachers as to what he thought she should be doing and arguing with me about it.
Last week I had to speak to the school about a personal conflict of morals that my daughter also felt strongly about and meant she didn't want to take part in a particular school event. He heard about this and went behind my back to convince her to do it and the said it wasn't MY place to be getting involved! When I found out and expressed my concern about this I just got another earful of abuse.
Basically his interference is escalating, they are two recent examples but it is so incidious I don't know where I stand - DO I actually have any rights or am I just over-reacting.
Sad thing is I actually got on with him at first but it's just horrible now.
So I guess my question is- Does he have Parental Rights or Responsibility over my children and what steps can I take to ensure he stops undermining my Parenting?
Sorry it's so long winded!!!
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- The forum is not moderated 24 hours per day.
- Many of the moderators do so on a voluntary basis. Whilst they may be able to provide some guidance, advice or support, they may not be able to deal with specifics.
- We are not an emergency crisis service so if you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call emergency services.
- If you are concerned about the safety of a child, please click here to find the support you can get for them (link to new page)
- If you are in crisis, please call Samaritans on 116 123. They are open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
We hope you find this forum a supportive environment and thank you for joining us.