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To be honest, with the recommendations from the court, and with what has happened to your ex since (assuming the court are aware of this, and if not, I'd make them aware), I can't see why the court wouldn't follow the recommendations.
I agree with actd. With the recent developments and the subsequent report/recommendations, it’s highly likely that the court will accept them.
Your ex could only appeal procedural errors made during the case, she can’t appeal against the courts decision.
Please do keep us updated and best of luck for next week.
All the best
I was back in court last week and my ex wife did not take kindly to the recommendation from SS’s that the children reside with me. She raised concerns about me being able to safeguard the children and the judge has now asked for both of us to file statements relating to issues we have regarding safeguarding. My ex was happy with shared residency but I said no because of the section 37 report and the details it containedand the recommendation they should live with me. Because of this the judge ordered the children to have a ‘guardian’ so the children’s voices can be heard. I have taken exception to this as it is quite clear that there is absolutely no reason the children are not safe with me and the report into my ex is pretty damning to say the least.
We now need to attend a session outlining a CIN meeting with SS’s (even though of the 6 points outlined in the CIN plan all 6 points relate to my ex) and we go back to court in 4 weeks time.
I have been representing myself up until this point but feel I need some legal representation now because myself and the social services thought that this should have been concluded by now.
I am slightly confused how it has got to this point and any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
As the mother did not agree with the recommendations, she is entitled to have a fair hearing. If she had agreed, this wouldn't be necessary.
Don't take exception to a Guardian being appointed. This is nearly always a good thing as the children will have a voice in the proceedings that isn't yours or the mothers.
If you can afford representation, it's your choice whether to go down that route or not. Continuing to represent yourself is entirely do able, but I would advise getting some support to prepare for the final hearing and writing your statement.
Courts generally go with report recommendations unless there is a very good reason not to.
Thankyou for your reply. Much appreciated.
I just want what’s best for the children and for my ex wife as she needs help in getting better. Just hope one day she realises this has been done with the best intentions.
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