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Preventing contact ...
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Preventing contact - coercive and controlling behaviour?

Posts: 19
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My ex partner has a history of being controlling and abusive. We have split up many times, me finishing with her due to the way she treats me. Whenever i tried to move on she would always find out who I am dating and sabotage it. She has done this 7 times. I believe in an effort to make me dependant upon her for a relationship.

I now have a new partner. The ex has stopped me seeing my son, multiple times quoting my new partner as the reason, twice sending me emails saying she is her only issue. If i want to see my son i will go to her mothers and i will comply etc etc. Now i cant see him at all because apparently im mentally unstable (just the latest excuse).

My exs abuse pushed me to attempt suicide, councilling etc etc and now stopping me seeing my son is naturally having a huge emotional impact. I believe she is doing it just to punish me and attempt to re-gain the control.

At what point does preventing child contact class as coercive and controlling behaviour in the criminal sense?

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You can report it to the police and get their interpretation on it.  The best route is probably to make an application on a C100 to the courts for child contact.  You will need to attempt mediation first but if she refuses then you can still apply.  There is a helpful guide to applying for a child arrangements order without a lawyer on the website

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It is already going through court. Had my safeguarding interview last week. I got a non molestation order against her to prevent her abuse however it is still continuing through our son. Ive been thinking there is absolutely zero deterrent for women to do this via the family court so at what point does it become cohesive and controlling behaviour in the criminal element? Considering it does more damage than physical abuse. But it seems that exs still have to be living together for this offence to be committed.

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I have had this since divorce was completed 6 years ago.  Ex moved to a new address and tried to keep it a secret so I would not know where son lived. 

She also convinced CMS that son did not stay with me at all to increase the maintenance payments, but is happy for son to stay with grandparents when I work overseas. 

So, now I see son on the sly at weekends when his mother is at work.  Son knows where I can drop him off near where he lives without his mother seeing my car.

All sad stuff, but seems to be common.  My uncle did not see his two sons until they were 18 when his ex wanted help with university costs (8 years after the Divorce).  Former colleague did not see his daughter for 14 years and saw her only after she reached 18 when the ex could no longer control and dictate. 

I have considered court action, but enforcement of court orders seems to be non existent.  Ex ignored court orders during the divorce proceedings without recourse from the courts.  Also, I don't want son to be a rope in a tug of war as the upcoming year will be final exams at school.

Reason for ex's behavior?  Easy answers:

  1. She did not get her way in the courts regards money, and;
  2. I have new partner.

Equal rights for both parents does not seem to apply for access to children?

Posts: 19
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It really gets my back up. The first solicitor i spoke to said it happens all the time (mother stopping contact when dad gets a new partner).Everywhere i read i see the same thing over and over. Its sick that the courts allow it.

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You could consider reaching out to a DV org for men and get further guidance, recently the legislation has changed with the new domestic abuse act which now recognises post separation abuse..

However, I'd suggest you allow your current court hearings to run their course to avpid complicating matters with a criminal element.


All the best. 


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