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Just a bit of advice needed
I'm prepping my statement and I want to ad some Exhibits and I wanted to ensure that number them correctly
For example I have some photocopies of a conversation between me and my son, there are many pages, about 11 from when he started texting me and I would like to include them all as it shows the bigger picture.
Now, do I number them as separate exhibits like Exhibit JS1, Exhibit JS2........and so on, or can I do it like Exhibit JS1A, JS1B...?
I hope I've explained that ok
You would refer to the evidence in your statement and then say "please see exhibit JS1" . If this is your first exhibit, all 11 pages would form part of JS1.
Further on in your statement when you again refer to something that you have evidence for, you would do the same, refer to it in your statement and say please see exhibit JS2 and so on...Are you putting a frontpage to each exhibit or just attaching them to the back?
You would put the reference JS1 at the top of each page.
Thanks again Mojo
Al I intend to do if reference my exhibit at the end of the paragraph, then mark the exhibit and put it at the back of the statement. I've only don't this once when I wrote my first statement, and this is how I set my exhibits then.
When you say front page to an exhibit, what would you mean by that out of interest?
Here's a link that explains what I mean about a front page, or title page. If you scroll down you'll find a section about attaching evidence to a statement and also at the bottom of the page a link to download a template of a title page for attaching exhibits.
You don't have to use a title page, referring to your evidence in your statement , giving it a reference number and attaching it at the back is acceptable.
Thanks again Mojo I found that very helpful
As per the advice you've been given so far, if you've 11 pages make sure you have a page number at the bottom to enable you to quickly direct the judge to the page in the exhibit.
e.g. please see exhibit JS1 page 4 paragraph 2 or Messages etc...
All great advice. When you're self repping, just remember so long as it makes sense to follow and find the corresponding evidence for the body of the statement, the court won't mind how you do it as you're not expected to do everything the same as a lawyer would.
i would place a front page on each piece of evidence you wish to direct the court too in reference, so if 1 piece is 11pages long then attach a front page stating JS1 or whatever you want to call it. this will help in indexing your bundle as well
I would also put the case number on that front page and if possible on each sheet of evidence just in case the court loses anything or its misplaced
When we did exhibits his barrister said each one should be referred to in bold, with his initials and consecutively numbered so: Exhibit ABC 1 and he also said each one should have a cover sheet with the same header as the statement (case number, parties etc) and the exhibit number repeated.
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