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[Solved] Police statements

Posts: 285
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Joined: 9 years ago

New evidence has come to light in my case which I believe is significant.

In the Section 7 report a witness has told the police that my ex told her I had beaten her up and as a result of this my ex ended up in hospital. A finding of fact hearing is to take place in the next few weeks which is to investigate other matters however I believe this information is pertinent to these matters.

I know that I have never been violent towards my ex partner. I also know that I have never been contacted by the police in relation to any violence towards her.

I have several questions...

1) Do the hospital have an obligation to report domestic violence to the police?
2) Are the police, if told of domestic violence by the hospital, obligated to question me?
3) Am I legally entitled to a copy of the statement made by the witness?

2 Replies
Posts: 213
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Joined: 10 years ago


You could make a subject access request to the relevant police force to see what information they hold on you. I think the hospital wouldn’t inform the police of any suspected DV unless the victim gave permission. I am pretty sure that if an allegation is made the police have to investigate. Could just be a chat at the station, doesn’t mean you have to be arrested.

I wouldn’t worry too much though. A finding of fact hearing requires proper evidence as proof not hearsay. Also haven’t the facts to be found already been decided? I don’t think she can add new ones.


Posts: 1306
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As Harli21 has said you can apply for police to disclose anythign they have on record, think there was a small fee and around 4-6weeks to get this from them.

At your next hearing raise the question about police disclosure regarding the allegations made by this so called witness mentioned in the S7 report. and if you managed to get anything from the police before that hearing take 3 copies with you and hand to the judge when you mention that.


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