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Overnight stays - p...
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Overnight stays - passage of time

Eminent Member Registered


My child is 2, and am yet to have them overnight at all. It would be difficult but there's a fairly big geographic gap, albeit one which may be getting closed.

I am hopeful that it's coming to a point where a discussion could be had about it - ex will oppose it and try and delay/stop it.

Question - should this end up needing to be decided legally, would it go against me that my child has never stayed away from mum? And therefore could the longer it remains the case end up working against me should an amicable arrangement not be achievable?

Thank you


Topic starter Posted : 21/08/2024 1:00 pm
Honorable Member

It's usual for young children to be with their mothers and overnight stays with dad to progress gently.  If you are making an application to court, you will need to try mediation first so perhaps thats a good way to begin.  You can start discussions with your ex and ask her to come to mediation.  You can find a local mediator through the Family Mediation Council

Posted : 23/08/2024 10:16 am

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Illustrious Member

hi, how far do you live from child? age 2 is reasonable age to begin overnights. if going through courts, would gradually become fri-sun every other weekend.

Posted : 26/08/2024 11:39 am
Eminent Member Registered

@bill337 approximately 200 miles, so not sure how it could work unless the distance was closed, which is a possibility

Topic starter Posted : 27/08/2024 1:57 pm

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