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hi after reading all online and having the kahunas to place something on here im in a mess. my wife of 5 months tried to get me done for abh against her an alleged assault with washing up liquid on my step daughter. i had to go home as i had no where to live so on the 18th of dec i had informed her of what my intentions were , she changed the locks the day before and then proceeded to to call the constabulary and have me arrested on those charges. i was shocked and scared i had never been in cuffs before or in the back of a police van in my life. after 7 hrs of being in the station and questioning where i was a mess and didn't think i needed representation as i had nothing to hide. I had a breakdown in public because of all her mind games, just couldn't take it any more and my head fell of a cliff. I was released on bail with restrictions , now over the next 28 days which were some of the darkest i have had to endure she bombarded me on my firestick (we have a signed in YouTube account in the front room and where i am here ) with so much music saying she was sorry, come home, call me , born to love me im the one etc and it ruined my head so much. every day was the same playlist after playlist bombarding my head with-it. i didn't react dint go home didn't call her or go against my bail conditions. (i now know she was doing this to get into my head further and try and make me break my bail conditions).
i re attended the police station last week and the charges were diluted to 1 basic caution for pulling her coat in a public place and the other assault charges dropped against me.
but on the Friday previous she had placed a song online saying f u,f ur mum, and f your sister, and the next day applied to the courts for a non mol order and occ order , then typed in on the search im so happy as im back...
my mental health and well being has being horrific i never got over the break down and the day to day things are getting harder to deal with , the meds work then they don't .
i cocked up on the first hearing as when i sent the email back i was not in a good frame of mind and sent it to the incorrect email account , i contacted court yesterday to explain and the man in the court called me back to say she had asked for adjournment (i have no idea why)
the statement she gave to the court makes me out to be a paranoid drunk who controlled her for a long time, so many half truths and fictional information missing the causes and heavy drinking we both undertook . just all based at me .
im scared and im lost i don't want this against my name and in the process of going into a men's refuge due the physocilical damage that i have had to endure while trying to defend myself in a relationship where my wife constantly accused me of affairs and talking to others including my friends and family if i was having a rough time in the relationship, this was not good enough and i had to stop it immediately and only talk to her .
dont know where to go from here
sorry to hear what you have been going through. sounds like mental torture. I hope you have found a way to block all her messages and music coming into your fire stick/TV. disconnect yourself from her on all social media platforms, and block her number. do you have any kids with her? if you get arrested, make sure you ask for a duty solicitor to be present for any interviews.
have a listen to this, very useful with dealing with non-molestation orders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFmMm-o_NE8
am not too familiar with occupation orders. you could try seek legal advice on it. some info here https://england.shelter.org.uk/professional_resources/legal/relationship_breakdown/housing_rights_of_married_sole_homeowners/occupation_orders_for_sole_owners_and_their_married_or_civil_partners
@aircooled75 sounds like you are really having a tough time. To me it sounds like your ex is abusive and you need some support. Could you get in touch with these organisations and get some help and support?
My ex is the same she plays the victim in front of the kids, mediator, etc but in private tells me I should commit suicide, everyone hates me and I am stupid and nothing. She's been controlling, bullying, financially controlling, pushing me to borrow money constantly and building up debts our entire relationship. She wants everything we have plus maintenance and will say and do anything to try and get her way. I'm just realising now that she is abusive after being miserable for years and had bad mental health because of it but am starting to get help and some advice. Get some emotional and legal support! The reality is that friends and outsiders aren't stupid and know what these people are like, they see their behaviour and the ones that are worth keeping in contact with will be able to understand what you've been through.
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We don’t like to set ‘rules’, but to make sure that you and the other dads are kept safe, we have some requests. When engaging with the forum, please be aware of the following:
- The forum is not moderated 24 hours per day.
- Many of the moderators do so on a voluntary basis. Whilst they may be able to provide some guidance, advice or support, they may not be able to deal with specifics.
- We are not an emergency crisis service so if you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call emergency services.
- If you are concerned about the safety of a child, please click here to find the support you can get for them (link to new page)
- If you are in crisis, please call Samaritans on 116 123. They are open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
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