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[Solved] need help

Posts: 13
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hi well i split from mum of my 2 kids . when we was together i worked sun mon tues wed nights and she worked thurs fri sat days. when we split she said she finished work as i have no where to have kids i been seeing kids on sat 10till6 but i want more time with them. she does not tell me anything does not answer my txts or calls. i want them sat and sun and to take to school mon and tues which is a 5 min walk she said no if turn up she call police. i got letter from her solicitor saying can have kids at the house thurs fri sat 730 t0 3 or later if taken kids out sum where. they are her work hours. i cant afford a solicitor and would agree but it would not work as to much has gone on between us. like if she off work she wont leave house at 730 and i not want to be there with her what can i do cheers

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Reputable Member
Posts: 232


Just to clarify, when are you hoping to have the kids & why won't your ex agree to what you're asking for? How long are you currently having them for?

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Eminent Member
Posts: 13

at mo just have them sat 10 untill 6 she saying cant see them any other days unless i have them on thurs fri and sat at her house while she at work 7.30 untill 3 i would rather have them sat and sunday it will cost me loads in petrol keep driving to her house all the time

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890


I would suggest at this stage that you consider mediation, though if the cost is going to be an issue, then you can apply for a contact order without going through mediation (I think you need to state that you can't afford mediation as a reason you haven't tried it) - have a read of yoji's guide to representing yourself at the top of the legal section.

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Active Member
Posts: 12

i totally get where your coming from. my only option at the minute is to go to my exs house to see my boy, like you, and I don't want to be anywhere near her. It's so awkward and isn't quality time at all with her eyes burning holes in the side of my head

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

It may be worth looking to see if there is a dad's and kids club nearby on your contact days - that would be a much better alternative.

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Eminent Member
Posts: 13

i not got a problem being at house cos she wont be there and sent a letter agreeing to but this morning on phone she said to me that was the wrong letter im not going in house so what now i agreed to it so should it stand or not

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Honorable Member
Posts: 510

Hi Mickey,

The fact is that if its just a letter there is no legally binding agreement. 8hrs is not enough for your children or for you.

As actd has mentioned, it may be worth writing to her offering mediation i.e.

Dear X,

I am writing to you regarding [CHILD 1] and [CHILD 2] and my hope of increasing time i get to spend with them. I would like to have an appointment made for us to go to Mediation, where we can discuss any issues that we have regarding the Children.

I hope you will consider this, as it would be something definitely in the best interests of the children.

Many Thanks


Your Name

Note: With regards to the Police, they cannot get involved with instances such as the ones you describe. To be clearer still, it is classed as a Civil Matter... the Police do not have jurisdiction over Civil Matters, and arrests/removal by them can only be made if you are being obstructive or you are there to intimidate or harass. Note: I'm an expert at this :silly:

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Eminent Member
Posts: 13

would i send that letter to her solicitors or her

Joined: 14 years ago

Honorable Member
Posts: 510

Hi Mickey,

Unless you have been instructed otherwise, i'd send it to her.

For example, if her Solicitor says that you must only speak to her through them then offer them the chance to have her come to mediation.


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