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My little girl has ...
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[Solved] My little girl has been taken by her mother today

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\i don't know what to do.
I came home from work tonight and found our house had its inside doors shut
no car outside, lights out. I went inside and found most of my partners stuff gone.

We have a 6 week baby girl. I love her to bits. I love her mum to bits.
We are not married. mum is from poland. we have been togeather almost 2 years.

We got engaged and soon found she was having a baby. We was trying.
\now i find a note. she has fallen in love with her friend.... it reads like it's been going on longer then 10 months.
she was not happy. Personally i feel we have been having a wonderful life. Shes not some mail order bride i should say.
I am 31. she is 29.

This other guy is known to me. Her friend has told me. I'm wreaked inside.
I do not know how to provide. Tomorrow i will seek legal advice though.
No idea where they are. Does not answer phone.
txt me and said i can't speak.

The note was 4 pages. Says I scare her. To be honest i have no idea what she is on about. I'm a really decent caring guy. Our friends are speechless. I gave her my little sports car which we replaced with a bigger car now. At the end of the note is says PS i signed the car over to you.

Like i care about the stupid car.

Only thing about dates to see her are... She will have our baby on dec 24th and i can have her dec 25th. This is not normal speech for someone tell you they have run off with another man and taken you baby.

I want my little girl back.

What an idiot for not getting married. She said she wanted her figger back. I have suspected nothing. I trusted her 100% everyone has.

I never thought i would be typing this ever. I am really upset. I gone back to my mum and dad's place.



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Proceed not provide.
Forgot to say I made a call to the police and got a ref case. Nothing much they can do but i wanted it logged that something has happend.
I just did not know what to do. I'm blown away.
maybe i will wake up from this nightmare.

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best thing for you to do, is seek legal advice, i wouldnt keep chasing her seems she is saying she is scared of you, because if she can say this then she could say more, keep everything and aim for courts and provide the notes and everything to the courts, and once the new born is here, i would also suggest to have a DNA done if she been having affairs past 10 months so there could be a chance the baby is not yours mate

all the best and keep us informed

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Hi there, New born? Sorry maybe I confused it. My little girl is 6 weeks. Maybe shes not mine. It's really screwed up when you dont know whats truth and whats lies. I never saw any of this coming. I got the note to hand, police ref, I left a VM on her phone but it was all normal no shouting swearing ect.

You know I own the house. I have a decent job and in my view shes only got about 1000 of savings left well thats what she told me. No family here and this bloke has 2 kids with different mums. One his not allowed to see from what i understand and his not always in work due to lack of jobs by his place of work. I don't get it I must be a total muppet to not see all of this.

can't sleep been up 24hr as work started early.

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Hi Martin

This is so terribly distressing for you and my heart goes out to you. To have this happen with no warning is bad enough, but not knowing where they are makes it even worse.

Do you know where this other man lives, is he Polish? Do you have contact numbers for her family, you could try contacting them to ask if they can contact her for you, as you need reassurances that she and the baby are ok. You also need to know where they are.

Do you think its possible that she might leave the country? You can take steps to prevent this from happening by applying to the court. Get some legal advice and see where you stand.

She may be suffering from post natal depression, it might help if you contact the Health Visitor and ask their advice about that.

Take care and try and get some rest, make sure you eat something as you need to keep your strength up. Good luck with everything and do please keep us posted.

(@Ivan Dobski)
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. I don't get it I must be a total muppet to not see all of this.

can't sleep been up 24hr as work started early.

Mate your not a muppet similar thing happend to me affiar had been going on for months and she'd even introduced him to her family before she spilt up.

Can you use your freinds to enquire after her and make sure the nipper is OK? I'd also get a DNA done test if I were you

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Thank you all. I have now located her. I got myself legal advice but i need a address.

Please note that the apple iphone 4/4s when it takes a picture it adds the GPS location. If you use an app called photo gps extract and load the jpg file it will give you a google map showing where the picture was taken to within 50mt or so. \go have a look and just dont do anything dumb. \\once i get the address i will have my legal team serve her papers.

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hi martin my ex did something similar, when my son was 1 and a half months she took him and never came home one day and now 8 months on i still haven't seen my son or know where they are. are you on the birth certificate? if i was you id leave it a week or two then if you still don't know where they are submit a seek and find order to court and request a dna test. and if the child is yours you can submit a contact order form.

I really feel for you.

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I've just found an app that removes the exif info from pictures - may use that in future just because I like to know what's going into the public domain.

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well i found her.

I was outside knowing my little one is inside. Hard not to bang the door down.
Started legal now.

The fight starts here. Had nothing from the mother.



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