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[Solved] My fhdra

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Posts: 66
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Hi all

So I had my fhdra and ex's legal rep submitted c1a full of allegations on day. Judge has ordered fact finding hearing for allegations ex's lawyer submitted on day. I told judge she has abused me but I didn't want to tell because I was afraid son may get taken away from mother but since they're making false allegations I got no choice but to open up. Hence fact finding

Judge allowed unsupervised interim contact of 2 days per week at a community centre. Just so child gets used to me first due to long separation period.

I have to submit a Scott schedule and witness statement by 2 dates. Can anyone tell me where I can find a template for these two?

Judge also told ex's lawyer to invoke police protocol and serve disclosure to me. Does anyone know what police protocol is? Sounds to me like a criminal record check?

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Hi , the police protocol thing is when the courts order the police to hand over records they hold . In my case the courts wanted all records the police had on calls , reports etc relating to me and her over the last few years . It’s not a dbs check . They use it as part of their evidence . Might go in your favour as my ex accused me of kicking the door in yet on the police records they specified no damage .
Re the template call the court and they’ll email you one . Or look online . I created mine on excel . Just make sure it has the case number and you sign the stamenet of truth that says something like I confirm the facts in this statement are true and sign and date it .
The courts printed us templates on the day in court as Ex isn’t represented

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With the witness statement you include your evidence and refer to it in the statement . You go into detail of the allegations made in the schedule and refer to exhibits . So you might say the ex did something etc etc please see AB1.
AB will be your own initials .
In your order it may explain what the courts want you to talk about , mine does . Just detail the back ground to your case , your concerns , your evidence and what you want from an order . Again end it with statement of truth and have the case number clearly laid out at the top of the doc

Posts: 289
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Have a look there’s a template too .

Posts: 66
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Joined: 6 years ago

Thanks for the reply.

Will the police checks give a transcript my interview with them as well?

Secondly, with regards to the witness statement are you saying I send pictures if that's my evidence too? Or is it not better I submit the picture on the day of hearing so legal reps can't try coming up with cover story?

Sorry I sound thick but do you mind explaining the following:

"With the witness statement you include your evidence and refer to it in the statement . You go into detail of the allegations made in the schedule and refer to exhibits . So you might say the ex did something etc etc please see AB1.
AB will be your own initials .
In your order it may explain what the courts want you to talk about , mine does . Just detail the back ground to your case , your concerns , your evidence and what you want from an order . Again end it with statement of truth and have the case number clearly laid out at the top of the doc"

I still don't understand it.

Thank you

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