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My ex gives me cont...
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[Solved] My ex gives me contact as long as its the weekend

Posts: 2
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New Member
Joined: 12 years ago

First off would just like to say hi to all as im new on here. Ok i split from my ex back in july 2010 after 10 years together in this time we had 4 children. From that time on i have had the children every weekend and still do so today. she let me see them any time but i must have them on the weekend over night so she and the man who tuck my place can go out or have friends round for a drink i have become there baby sitter from the start of the brake up. I have had a new partner for 2 years now who has one child from her ex so we have one child in the week and five children on the weekend every weekend. i would like to have the children one night in the week each week and every other weekend do i have any chance of this :unsure:

3 Replies
3 Replies
(@Ivan Dobski)
Joined: 12 years ago

Reputable Member
Posts: 181

Cant see why not pretty normal to have them alternate weekends the mid week might be problematic thoug depending on schoolling etc and how far away you live apart. Have you had a talk with the ex?

Joined: 12 years ago

New Member
Posts: 2

Thanks for the reply Ivan, I only live 3 to 4 miles from them so picking them up from school and dropping them of is no prob for me. the problem is if i don't have them every weekend she will not let me see them at all i all so have them for 3 to 4 weeks of the summer holidays and she gets child tax for them weeks witch ads up to about Β£700 but i have the kids they get to go away and have nights out in this time each yeah

Joined: 13 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

Hi there and welcome πŸ™‚

it might be a good idea to try mediation, heres a link ~

This would enable you to talk through the issues with the help of a trained mediator. Once you have approached the mediation service you would have an interview with them on your own to talk through the areas of concern. After that the mediator would write to your ex and invite her to attend a session....hopefully a compromise can be reached and you can both agree on a way forward.

There is a charge for this unless you are unemployed or on a low income, but I think that its a price worth paying if you can get it sorted amicably, without the need for court. If all else fails you can apply to the courts for a defined contact order. This can be done without a solicitor and costs Β£200 to submit the C100 form. This is the form you would fill in and submit to court to get proceedings started. There are some useful stickys about the C100 form and about representing yourself in court located at the top of the Legal Eagle section.

Good luck with it all πŸ™‚


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