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Mum is doing online sex while the kids are in another room

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Joined: 9 months ago


I'm am in a very difficult situation, probably just as others here.

I cought my wife having online [censored] in the bathroom with her boss, while my sons(5 and 9) were in the dining room downstairs unattended.

Further more, ones every week, she was cheating on me for 6 months with her boss at the workplace and she got paid for two hours hourly wage during this. Her boss is the business owner at the same time.

Obviously, we are divorcing, but on the day I fund this out I went absolutely mental. Literally I ended up in the psychiatric ward in the hospital at the same evening. 

I made multiple mistakes when I had the red cloud, which some of them are a crime although I have called the police on myself (but they never came) , so I can't hurt anyone and later they said in my mental state the police would bring me there as well. I have sent the screenshot for all their colleagues, shared them on my wife Facebook for example.

Now I am being blackmailed, by both my wife and her boss. I have nothing to say in anything I have to play with her rules otherwise, they will call the police on me. 

Before this happened I already filed the divorce, so we could leave each other in peace but she refused to sign. I have asked her multiple time in December, January but things seems to get better. And then in March a reminder came to her inbox from HMRC, we had an argument again so asked her one more time, she told me to put myself together and ask me to cancel the divorce.

What are my rights if I can proof the above? I mean leaving the kids unattended , while she was doing that. And basically she got paid to have [censored] with her boss. Also they are blackmailing me, but apparently, because they are not after money this does not count as a blackmail from law point of view. Is there anything in my hand to fight back and have equal chance as my wife? 

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if the marriage is over, suggest try keep things amicable and try sort out parenting plan for child arrangements. I don't think there is any good in focusing on this blackmail incident, will only increase conflict 

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Posts: 2

@bill337 Great advice, thanks alot bossman


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