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Hi All,
I need help/advice.
I will give you little bit background first.
I have 2 daughters 5 and 9 year old. I am separated from 2 years.
Me and my ex don't have any formal custody agreement we never been also in court. We fallow the plan prepared by myself however never agreed by her.
Plan is that I take girls from Fri to Sun every second week and Thu every other week plus holidays ect.
Yesterday my ex told me that she is going on holiday (in 1 week for 1 week) and she have to leave girls with me.
I said that i am working during this week and in the weekend i am out of the town.
She said that she don't care and she will leave kids in school in Friday and go.
Honestly in this week the project which I am preparing over 1 year is going live and i cant take off like this.
Is there anything what i can do please? I cant believe she can do this kind of things without consequences.
I would be very appreciate for any advices
Hi there
Contact the school and explain what she is planning to do, also contact Social Services and explain that your ex, who is the parent with care of the children, is threatening to abandon the children to go on holiday.
Explain that you have work commitments, because of the short notice you are unable to make arrangements, but in any case there is no court order in place.
Best of luck
You say you have work commitments and the importance of you being there for the project going live, have you no family around who could assist you with this issue?
Put it this way, if i was in your shoes i'd be seeing this as a perfect oportunity to go for custody.
I know work is important but would your work not be sympathetic to your situation and allow you to work flexi time to be able to sort the kids out for school?
What about Breakfast clubs and after school clubs that they could attend for one week?
Hi There,
I think that both lots of advice above are good, inform the school and SS, but also look into flexi time and family to help you, before school clubs could work as well.
I can absolutely understand where Dad-i-d is coming from, but sometimes it's just not possible... I do hope it becomes a realistic option though, the school may be able to suggest a childminder that you could drop them with in the morning, if the breakfast clubs doesn't start early enough. Both breakfast and after school clubs are there to help working parents.
Do let us know what you decide to do... all the best
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We don’t like to set ‘rules’, but to make sure that you and the other dads are kept safe, we have some requests. When engaging with the forum, please be aware of the following:
- The forum is not moderated 24 hours per day.
- Many of the moderators do so on a voluntary basis. Whilst they may be able to provide some guidance, advice or support, they may not be able to deal with specifics.
- We are not an emergency crisis service so if you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call emergency services.
- If you are concerned about the safety of a child, please click here to find the support you can get for them (link to new page)
- If you are in crisis, please call Samaritans on 116 123. They are open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
We hope you find this forum a supportive environment and thank you for joining us.