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Mediation Rights Qu...
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[Solved] Mediation Rights Question

Posts: 355
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Honorable Member
Joined: 11 years ago

Hi All,

I'm well confused. I initiated proceedings to go to mediation yesterday. While the lady on the phone (I assume a receptionist) was really helpful, I got the feeling that she wasn't as well informed as I she sounded.

Basically, My problem is:-

I want my son to be able to see me at regular intervals in the week (A fixed arrangement to be made). However, I have a slight issue. That issue is me ex's family.

While most dad i'm sure have problems with the ex in laws, I think my situation may be (or not) be different in the fact that seeing them makes me physically sick. So much so, I'm on beta blockers for it.

Now, I had an arrangement with my ex for me to collect my son from outside their house (she lives with her folks) and that my ex would bring him out to me. (She never knew the reason why as it may fuel any argument / gripe she may have with me)

This was working UNTIL her family rang me and abused me on the telephone. On the first initial call I was told that my ex would not be bringing my son to my car but that she would be (her mum) -- The person who made it that I'm on beta blockers.

I even plucked up the courage to meet at the designated meeting place at the time requested (texts sent to show i was there) and son not brought out to me (I was feeling physically sick just even being there)

I would like to know that MUST i accept that i need to deal with her family at the cost of my health? My reason why i don't want to is that although to me I do not matter, If I'm feeling sick, dizzy and needing pills just to be in the same airspace as them, this will rub off on to my son and therefor he will suffer because i'm not feeling right.

Can the mediator help with this or must I absolutely accept that i need to deal with her family and expect potential abuse every time i collect my son?

6 Replies
6 Replies
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Noble Member
Posts: 1020

Ji JonnyBobs,

Have you spoke to your GP and considered CBT to get over the nausia?



Joined: 11 years ago

Honorable Member
Posts: 355

Hi Dave,

What is CBT ? Please?

I'm on anti-depressants and beta blockers to date

Joined: 13 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy drugs!

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 5426

I think you've got to remember that this situation should get better as your son gets older. It would be better if you weren't on anti depressants for too long. A short course whilst you overcome your fears would be preferable. I think CBT would be a good idea and would teach you how to cope with these feelings.

Joined: 11 years ago

Honorable Member
Posts: 355

I have an appt with the GP in about two weeks. I think we spoke about this last time I was there.

I'm defiantly interested for sure! No drugs! Thats what I want 🙂

Joined: 15 years ago

Illustrious Member
Posts: 11890

I've just replied on another thread about this - my view is that a short course of drugs may help, but it has to be a defined length of time so you know when you are stopping or reducing the dosage. Ultimately, though it's down to you as to what is best and what helps you to cope.


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