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Looking to open a legal case with an aim to receive financial compensation

Active Member Registered

Not married. 

Not in a civil partnership. 

Partner - unemployed over the entire time together.

I financed the relationship.

There is no more relationship.


Legally, can I seek any financial compensation as I supported her and a child?

Topic starter Posted : 11/09/2024 6:58 pm
Illustrious Member


I don't think you can get compensation. you could try contacting a solicitor. many do free consultation.

Posted : 12/09/2024 9:08 am

top tips to support your child after breakup

Active Member Registered

@bill337 I will seek professional advice on this subject. Given both parents have equal liability for child's welfare, and if only one parent finances the relationship, while sharing all the other responsibilities equally - surely, this must account for something.

Topic starter Posted : 12/09/2024 9:30 am

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