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Local Authority rep...
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[Solved] Local Authority report.

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I am at my FHRDRA & NMA combined case on Tuesday. I have had my cafcass safeguarding report which was okay.There was a recommendation that if there were no safeguarding issues my child should see both parents. The report also spoke about extensive overnight stays with me as the previous routine.

My query is based around safeguarding report saying the LA had not provided their report. This will show there is extensive history of my ex partner and children being on the child protection register last year and lots of other information. I am also described as a protective factor.. This feels really frustrating as it could be the difference in obtaining interim contact. My son goes back to school and if it is another 3 months for a court case again then the ex will not do any homework with him and he will be even further behind. What do people think will happen? could it be adjourned or is it likely these will be filed at last minute? Does anyone have experience of a similar situation?

Can a FHRDA proceed without this information?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Could you contact the Social worker involved with the children? Did you discuss SS’s involvement with your child, with the CAFCASS officer?

You can prepare a brief position statement to take with you, to tell the court about the past involvement and how the SS viewed your presence in your child’s life.

I doubt it will be adjourned, you must bring it up,at the hearing and push for interim contact to be granted, if they offer a contact centre I would accept it, or perhaps you could suggest third party supervision with a trusted family member.

All the best


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