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Legal eagle needed ...
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[Solved] Legal eagle needed asap

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:sick: :unsure: :boohoo: hey everyone. So this is my first ever post. I've got a beautiful daughter who's 6. And I currently have a contact order for every other weekend Friday to Sunday overnight access and alternate Wednesdays non overnight. I have been to court twice so far and represented myself allong with my mckenzie friend both times. 5 hearings in total. At the beginning of the split I was having limited contact with my daughter having to meet the mother in secret due to her family's anger. We lost our home due to many reasons. The main one being my ex not getting paid due to mistakes by her employer. She had an accident at work no sick pay. In her eyes it was all my fault as the man should provide. I got myself into shed loads of debt to keep the roof. Day the flat got repossessed she left me with my daughter. That's the Base line to my journey. So went to caught ex used my daughters allergies as a reason for me to not see my daughter said I should have supervised access until my daughters old enough to medicate herself. I was awarded every other weekend contact introduced on a step basis increasing with time.
Contact was fine until it came to me having daughter the full weekends. Contact broke down. Applied to the court to enforce the order. The courts changed the order to include every other Wednesday contact. After school till 8.
Contact has now broken down again. This time due to my daughter now being at an age where she has an epi pen for her allergies. My ex has stated that I must see the hospital doctor and get trained on the epi pen and my daughters allergies. I am fully up to date about my daughters allergies and had an emergency appointment with my daughters doctors to discuss the situation. It was and emergency appointment because the ex had cancelled my original appointment for me kindly. So I was meant to have my daughter Wednesday just gone. I didn't. The weekend coming I'm meant to have her. I have an appointment with hospital with the specific person to discus my daughters allergies which is on the 11th of september. So until then she is contact where do I stand in this situation. Also suppose Il mention at the end of the final hearing of the 2nd time I went to court the exact father tried to attack me in the court toilets and was cautioned. He was her person in the court. Sorry this is a bit all over the place but I am at the moment. She's threatened with moving away many times contacts stopped on the past before. She changed the nursery my daughter was attending because I took my daughter to see her godfather . Oh and heyyyy great work everyone

2 Replies
Posts: 189
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Joined: 10 years ago

I've not read this in full yet - you NEED to remove your daughters name.

OK! Read it now.

In your shoes, I would apply for mediation and then go down the C100 route. You need CAFCASS to be on side and seeing what's going on. Enforcement is hit and miss!

As for the father being violent to you, make the court aware of it from the outset and ask that he is either prevented from attending hearings OR separate waiting rooms are provided.

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Joined: 12 years ago

Hi there

I’ve edited names out of your post.

How long ago were you in court and do you have a final order? From what you say, the court were aware of your daughters allergies and awarded you overnights regardless, so I think she’s on a sticky wicket preventing all contact.

If the final hearing was recent, you could try writing/emailing the court, making it for the urgent attention of the judge that made the final order.

Explain what has happened briefly and that all contact has again been suspended and ask if it would be possible to recall the case for new directions. The judges have discretionary powers to do that... but some will, others will advise making another application..

All the best


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