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Legal aid - changin...
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[Solved] Legal aid - changing solicitor?

Posts: 244
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I've just started working with a new solicitor having been awarded Legal Aid. Our first appointment is on 1st August, but we've been going back and forth on the phone and by email to get a letter sent out to my ex in the meantime.

What I need from a solicitor/court hearing is quite heavy - there are a lot of issues to sort out - and I need someone pretty tough to make sure it all gets sorted as it should be. The impression I've got from the solicitor so far isn't great if I'm being honest. It's taken all week just to get what should be a simple letter sent out to my ex to make sure I see my daughter this summer, and it's still not correct or sent. I'm getting a bit of a flaky, too-nice impression from her and not sure whether she's going to be up for the task in hand.

How easy it is to change solicitors with Legal Aid should I decide to after our appointment? I'd rather have the right one and get the job done properly, than take the easy route now and then end up in court again down the line, as my life has been nothing but stress over the last 4 years and I can't afford to risk it staying that way.

3 Replies
Posts: 8551
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago

If you’re not happy, then I would say change sooner rather than later. Either that or at the meeting spell it out what you want from her.

Solicitors aren’t emotionally invested and can somtimes come across as too nice, if you asked she would probably say that it helps to get things done.

Try writing an example letter of what you want written and see what her response is... don’t forget they take instruction from you, not the other way round, if you want something done a certain way, it’s Hester to tell them, they may advise a different way, but bottom line, they’re being paid for a service.

Posts: 244
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Joined: 10 years ago

Yeah, definitely. I've been going through the court order and all my contact diaries and bullet pointing the main issues, what needs changing, what needs addressing. Planning on sending it to her prior to our appointment. I guess I'll see how the first appointment goes - she might change my mind. But thought if I know the process for changing a solicitor and maintaining legal aid, I'm ready to do it if needs be.

Posts: 8551
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago

I think once you've been awarded the legal aid certificate, it can be transferred between solicitors, as they're awarding it to you, not the solicitor.


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