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Hi everyone
just a quick one. I was under the impression that legal aid had stopped for family cases, however yesterday I received a letter from a solicitor saying that are representing my ex as she has been granted legal aid?
Am I missing something???
In general it has stopped unless there are special circumstances (usually domestic violence). If you have a Non-molestation Order against you, that can be used to obtain Legal Aid. If you don't, you might have one coming your way.
thanks for the reply.
she did tell Cafcass that I hit her over ten years ago, but Cafcass said that she had no proof and that the judge wouldn't even consider it because it was so old and it was never reported to anyone or was it brought up at the last court case. if one is on its way is there anything I can do to contest it as its not true what so ever!!
Who knows what she has used to gain Legal Aid then. She wouldn't get a non-mol based on a decade old incident, that's for sure.......
If you are served with an order, you will get a chance to contest the order and provide a statement of evidence in response. She would have to provide a statement with her application in order to gain an order.
I have only ever seen Legal Aid awarded in cases with non-mol applications or orders but there's always a chance she got it another way I suppose.
Best of luck
That's great thank you. its so sad really, all I'm trying to do is make I daughter feel safe again when she visits her mum and protect her, but my ex, instead of trying to work with me, is doing everything she can to make me be the bad one even though all the evidence from the school and Social Services is proving she's the problem. I just hope the section 7 report brings the truth out!
Thank you again
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- The forum is not moderated 24 hours per day.
- Many of the moderators do so on a voluntary basis. Whilst they may be able to provide some guidance, advice or support, they may not be able to deal with specifics.
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- If you are concerned about the safety of a child, please click here to find the support you can get for them (link to new page)
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