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Learning journey fi...
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[Solved] Learning journey file

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ex has stopped me seeing my 3 year old son for 8 weeks now - going through mediation then court . He goes to nursey but nursery ask ex every time they want to send pictures or documents or even a birthday or christmas card to me. Ex tells them not to send anything however i wonder if anybody knows whether I have a right in law to see a learning jouurney file of how well he is doing as I have parental responsibility? ex put a harrassment warning on me so I have to be careful in falling into the trap of the nursery complaining about me which is what ex wants for her case - I only want to keep in conact and I think if there is a law I can quote to the nursery to say that I have rights to find out about how he is doing , they would be ok to send something and would be happy to. ( they are afraid of upsetting ex as she pays the nursery fees)

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Noble Member
Posts: 1855

Hi Batterycharger,

Sorry to hear that you are going through these issues with access and the nursery. Mediation is the way forward (I hope you can come to some sort of compromise) for the sake of your son.

I will ask the Coram Childrens Legal Centre to pop by and give you some advice regarding being kept informed by the Nursery.

Pop back during the week to see if they have responded.


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Posts: 447

Dear Batterycharger

Thank you for your post and we apologise for the delay in responding to you.

From the information you have provided it appears that you have Parental Responsibility for your child.

Parental Responsibility is defined in s.3(1) Children Act 1989 as being: "all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority which by law a parent of a child has in relation to the child and his property".

Practically Parental Responsibility means that both parties should consult and consent on issues such as schooling, medical issues, change of name, removal from the jurisdiction and other major issues concerning the child.

As you have Parental Responsibility you are entitled to know how your child is progressing in his education without the need for mother's consent.

We would advise writing a letter to the nursery setting out your rights and responsibilities with regards to Parental Responsibility and if the nursery continues to follow their course of action we would advise preparing a complaint letter following their complaints policy.

Should you require any further legal advice please do not hesitate to contact us via our webchat facility which can be found at and is available Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm.

Yours sincerely


(@Ivan Dobski)
Joined: 12 years ago

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Posts: 181

Battery charger,
I'm in a similar boat ie not been given access to report cards/deciding on schooling etc. there's a templete here you can use to request the information you need from the nursery.


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