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[Solved] Just got back from non-molestation hearing...

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try not to worry. my kids were aged 5 and 2 when cafcass spoke to them. they wrote in s7 report that they asked them simple questions like are they happy to go to daddies house. made them do drawings to find out what their mood or frame of mind is like.

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My kids were asked who they like to live with. Plus my ex coached the kids on what to say. However cafcass did pick up on this and mentioned it in the s7, still I got every other weekend. I'm going to contest this in court to try and get more access. My kids are clearly being told to go against me

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@everyone @glad_dad @yoda @Vik2001 @Daddyup

Cafcass section 7 report was very bias and she completely missed many points mentioned by the judge and the fact shes been lying though out the 2 years. 2 years ago when my ex left with my kids she told the social services independently how I'm fine with the kids and how they've had a good upbringing etc. 

obviously now in the child case shes completely changed her tune and said I hit the kids and been hot tempered. completely untrue. the social services also interviewed the schools who said how i was a concerned very hands on father always kept up with parents evening. the last ring video of the night my ex took the kids it shows how my sons been looking for me , asking about me as well. in the Cafcass interview my son said he doesn't want to see me and rips up my cards i send via indirect contact. the cafcass women has completely ignored the social services report on me (school and even what my ex said then), the judge mentioning my ex lying but instead has favoured by ex and what she is saying now. 

she has mentioned that me and my ex need to do the SPIP course but believes i should have contact with the children as some point at a cafcass contact centre. even the judge after the 2 day fact finding mentioned that he doesn't see me as a risk to my children.

I have the children's hearing, and the cafcass s7 report will be read out next week. just wanted to know whats the best way to tackle this, its like everything thats happened in the draining 2 days fact finding has been ignored by her and cafcass has decided on everything in a 30min interview. 



Posts: 192
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all i can say in the final hearing stick to the kids.  the judges are clever, well if you have a district judge they are.  they will see through the BS, you dont want a magistrates judge.

things that can be challenged if they are really wrong is the cafcass report.  your outcome will depend on that they say, plus how close you live to the kids school and what your involvment will be, and the flexibility of yr job to be able to care for them when they are with you.

Posts: 5422
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Joined: 6 years ago


if you don't agree with the S7 report, you have chance to challenge it. court may allow you to cross examine the cafcass officer. may be good idea to hire a lawyer for this. the SPIP course is recommended often. me and ex were made to do it. basic course, can be done in half a day or so. If Cafcass refer you to take SPIP, then it's free.

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