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CAMHS is Children and young people's mental health services run by NHS. It's my understanding that you can only get seen by CAMHS via referral from a GP, school or Children's Services.
It would seem like your ex is grasping it straws bringing this up so late in the proceedings.
Hopefully, the judge will be able to make balanced decisions once the proceedings continue. It does sound like they have a grasp on it already.
try not to worry. When I was going through courts, I saw part about CAMHS being mentioned, trying to imply that I have somehow caused children to suffer mentally. nothing came of it. I have had 2 section 7 reports done so far. They will interview you at some point. And also talk to your children. So if they are being coached, Cafcass will see and hear for themselves. I would recommend you go onto cafcass site and complete their parenting plan. will show that your child-focused and serious about co-parenting. mention it in your interview. For interview, keep it child-focused and avoid targeting your ex. be clear about what kind of child arrangements your seeking. I gave Cafcass my position statement, to help them know what I was asking for.
@craigmcd @yoda @Daddyup @bill337 & everyone, so my Ex has submitted a school report which says my son was nervous on the first day at his new school, worried about his mum but otherwise fine, his settling in fine and made friends.
She's now stating my son hasn’t done the CAMHS therapy due to COVID there has been delays and will start this month. I've realised she been to the doctors in December 2020 and stated that my son is having sleeping, behavioural problems and they must of referred to CAMHS, this was coincidentally 1 months before our first children’s custody hearing, 7 months after the she went with my children / alleged incident.
She also got report from the local council family relationship officer also who wrote a biased account of everything allegation my ex told her. It was full of my ex said this…ect however most of allegation have been looked into at the fact finding and judge has said there’s no prove in those allegations.
One thing I realised was on the social services report she had stated I’m a good father and good with the kids never done any harm, this was within the first month of her leaving the house with my children. however, after I made the application for shared custody the statement to court she stated I had hit my son, which is completely different and a lie. The only thing in the fact finding was that judge said there was a bruise on her arm, and I could of hit her, I know I didn’t, but that’s wat he said. All other allegations were pretty much dismissed.
With father’s day coming it’s really hard and she keeps throwing curve [censored]. I’m currently waiting for a court date (which they adjourned for her to get the therapy reports) and the section 7 report CAFCAS. Any tips, on what I should expect in the section 7 report, what CAFCAS will ask me? I’m worried what my ex will coach my son to say things not true to CAFCAS, as I have not seen him in over a year.
Apologies about the lengthy statement, appreciate all your comments and help!
for section 7 interview, try keep it child-focused and tell them what arrangements you think are in best interests of children. also go on cafcass site. download and complete their parenting plan. mention this in interview. this will show that your serious about co-parenting. if you have a position statement that has child arrangements you are seeking, can email that over to them.
@everyone. Thanks for your comments its been really helpful. I will be looking into the CAFCASS parenting plan this week, and get that ready. My Ex finally submitted medical records of my son which showed absolutely nothing out of the ordinary, it showed how we both took him to doctors whilst he was here when he wasn't feeling well etc.
It shows however that after she left with my children, she waited 7 months to go to doctors to make a story up that he hasn't been well after seeing me and her fighting and that he may need therapy, coincidently that was 2 weeks before our first child court hearing. She mentioned to the doctors that his been kicking the door and things. She waited another 3 months and called up doctors again to mention this again and ask for a therapy (again 3 weeks before the court hearing).
His current school report did not mention anything about behaviour issues. I'm still waiting for a court hearing which got completely delayed as she mentioned this and was asked to get this evidence. it seems like she can make anything up and just get away with it, and here's me I haven't had any contact for over a year. I suppose I'm praying someone catches her on the lies and I see my children soon.
Thanks again for all the recommendation and help.
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