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Just been served wi...
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Just been served with a non mol court date?

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There are some useful guides on the website.  For example, there is one on representing yourself in the family court and another on how to get parental responsibility without a lawyer.  If you can prove that one/some of her allegations are untrue then she becomes an unreliable witness so the other allegations have less substance.

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As I do not have any direct contact with my ex I have asked the court to serve her with my statement.

I have had her annoying McKenzie friend email me asking if she could ‘pass it on’ to my ex. 

Can they do this? The courts are serving my ex with my papers already.

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@prisma I would say the court but others may differ i would not trust her McKenzie friend!

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I agree with the above - do everything through the proper channels, and I would be tempted to do a polite message to her McKenzie's friend requesting that he/she does not contact you directly.

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Posted by: @actd

I agree with the above - do everything through the proper channels, and I would be tempted to do a polite message to her McKenzie's friend requesting that he/she does not contact you directly.

They aren’t a solicitor, do they even have a right to contact me?

They are starting to become a burden if I’m honest.

They have been hounding children services for a report etc.

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@prisma actd has stated be very polite (No contact directly it's going to get very messy) Just make sure your house is all in order Let them go via their Solicitor or court at the end of the day your not friends with, end of story!

As my solicitor said to me this is business and has to be done correctly or it will cost you thousands

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Posted by: @djsmith

@prisma actd has stated be very polite (No contact directly it's going to get very messy) Just make sure your house is all in order Let them go via their Solicitor or court at the end of the day your not friends with, end of story!

As my solicitor said to me this is business and has to be done correctly or it will cost you thousands

She doesn’t have a solicitor just this annoying McKenzie friend.

I am only going through the right channels ie; the courts. I have no direct contact with the ex and I intend to keep it that way.

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@prisma Pleased that your all sorted in that aspect beaware that x will try and put pressure on you and her McKenzie friend will become very frustrated by all of this the next week or months will be very stressful but try and use your true friends around you!

For me it's a waiting game but beleave me it has become stressful but your get through it. 🙂

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Posted by: @djsmith

@prisma Pleased that your all sorted in that aspect beaware that x will try and put pressure on you and her McKenzie friend will become very frustrated by all of this the next week or months will be very stressful but try and use your true friends around you!

For me it's a waiting game but beleave me it has become stressful but your get through it. 🙂

I have another hearing next week, the judge will look at my statement and evidence and decide the next step.

Hopefully because I have proven her lies it will get overturned and that will be that.

It has started to have an effect on my health but you have to keep fighting on for justice!

This is all part of her plan and the beginning stages of parental alienation.

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@prisma Agree my x has alienated me from my children for going on 18 Months lucky for me that I was with them all throughout there younger days, but 17 going on 18 (Trouble) ahead and my Daughter 13 going on 14 l feel very sorry for as x has fed her and used her (My Daughter has lost out) but my door will always be open they have my number but x will not allow them to call write etc hoping that I will flip.

You have to stay strong and at the end it will all full into place.


Courts / Cafcass the system is all against us but the courts donot like parental alienation

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@prisma If court orders that you have to send statements to other party, then if only way to send it to ex is via the MF, then I think it should be fine to send it. If she had a solicitor, you would have sent statement to them.

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Posted by: @prisma
Posted by: @actd

I agree with the above - do everything through the proper channels, and I would be tempted to do a polite message to her McKenzie's friend requesting that he/she does not contact you directly.

They aren’t a solicitor, do they even have a right to contact me?

They are starting to become a burden if I’m honest.

They have been hounding children services for a report etc.

@prisma, I'm not 100% certain, but I would say that they have no right whatsoever. McKenzie's friends are not regulated, so anyone can set themself up as a MF so I can't see any way it could or would be enforced. 

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I’ve let the courts deal with it as requested on the letter. I am having nothing to do with the interfering MF!

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The RightsofWomen website has a very helpful guide on the role of a McKenzie friend and what they can and cannot do.  This may be helpful

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