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Just been served with a non mol court date?

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Hi people,

Ive just received a visit from a court officer who has served me with court papers for my ex requesting a non-mol order.

It is full of lies and contradictions with no evidence to back anything up.

The court date is for Monday via Teams. I’m self representing, what should I expect? How can I show my evidence? Will this order most likely get grated with no evidence?

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try to remain calm. here is some great advice on how to deal with these:

How to deal with Non-Molestation Orders in Family Court

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@bill337 Agree with you 100% the same thing happened to me and a few more it seems!

The link that you sent says it all really.


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it says on the letter “there is little evidence to support the assertions if notified that the applicant will be at risk of harm or will be dissuaded from pursuing the application.”

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At the hearing you can say that you do not agree with the allegations.  The Judge may try to persuade you to accept undertakings which is a promise to the court not to do certain things.  Or the Judge may make the order for the time being saying 'there is no finding of fact' and set a date for a hearing when you can put your side across.  Is there something else going on such as child contact?  If not and you don't need any contact with her, then its probably easier to accept undertakings and move on.

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@champagne Thanks. There is also a contact issue, I am in the process in starting a court order for contact and for a parental responsibilities order

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I have experience in this, if you would like to have a chat over the phone I can guide you in the right way. PM me.

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I have been through the same. As others have said, just keep calm during the hearing. Do you have children with your ex too and what is the arrangement with that? 

You may suggest just accepting an undertaking which is simply a promise you will not contact your ex in anyway and not threaten her etc. There will be no non mol placed on you but if you break the conditions you can be punished for it. As much as I wanted to contest mine, I just accepted in the end but on a non admissions basis and with no fact or findings made against me. It was very tame report anyway, even the ex's solicitor said that and the judge. If you contest it, you will probably have to wait months for this hearing, by that time, you could have served most of the non mol anyway. I know its frustrating, but ask any questions if you need to,

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@fer17 We have a child together, she is only 6 months old and I haven't seen her since she was 10 days old, she has completely stopped myself and my family from seeing our child. I raised concerns with the social services and now out of revenge she has tried putting this order on me and has said in the report that she is also applying for an injunction? The thing that breaks my heart the most is that there is a little child in the middle of all of this. There is no evidence of abuse, just a father wanting to have contact with his child.

Also, as I am taking time off work, can I claim this from her? This is loss of earnings due to no fault of my own?

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