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I think you can be quietly pleased with how things went, good news on the increased contact. Hopefully the Section 7 will cover all of the things that the CAFCASS officer is now aware of.

All the best

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Now I see the true face of the family court.

Me and barrister made offer I keep the non molestation order on me promising not to commit DV which is easy as I never have, have seperate rooms from wife, get the occupation order over turned so I can live in my home with my children. Me and my barrister thought it was a good offer.

The judge looks at it quickly and not even asking wife what she thinks about it and says "They are Not living together"

He's not seen our statements or anything. He could have asked wife what she thinks about it. She can say no I don't want to live with "Marco", ok fine.
Just maybe she has regrets being taken in by a professional [censored] offender and got herself into a legal pickle and would agree to it and we could slowly reconcile with marriage counciling. We all make mistakes.

What's left for me now, if I win the occupation order, I'll get an empty house and be a lonely hermit waiting to see my children.
If I lose I be stuck in my little room at my parents with my mum's noisey oxygen machine pumping away all night in there never having children over night. I can't live like that. I don't know what to do, if not for my children I would already be dead. The pain hurts so much.

Posts: 8551
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Joined: 12 years ago

Hi Marco

I’m so sorry that you are feeling so low, court puts a terrible strain on those going through it.

It’s probably not wise to think about reconciliation too much, if your wife wanted to try again, she would most likely have contacted you about it.

I understand that you can’t see any way out of your situation right now, but it’s best to focus on the here and now and not try to think too far ahead, it will only make you feel worse.

When is your next hearing? I would concentrate on that and putting the best case you can forward.

All the best

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I had my Cafcass telephone interview today. I don't know what to think about it... It seemed too short and sweet? It lasted only 10 minutes. I followed Slims advice to bad mouth mother but maybe I was too soft.

Cafcass asked asked if I committed any domestic abuse. I said no. Then she tried to trip me up asking why wife got a non mol. I replied because I gave my wife an ultimatum of divorce if she doesn't stop seeing other man and she would be deported from the country if that happened, so she claiming DV to get a visa.

She asked about where I'm living now and why I can't have children over night.

She asked about my mental health, that went ok

She asked do I have any concerns about wife's parenting, I said only if she is seeing other man. Cafcass asked why are you concerned about other man? I said he committed an act of violence in front of my children and is a [censored] offender.

That was about it and she said then she will write up a report for the next hearing, then she said " it is possible that" then suddenly stopped and asked a question about my wife's current immigration status which I didn't know the answer to.
I feel paranoid about the it is possible part... pessismist in me says it's possible that I'll see the children less... since the family court is crazy

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Regarding the Sargent, he has not done his job correctly, failing to follow the use of the guideline for Sarah's law as such, he falls short of proper conduct. You do have an option here.

Call 101, speak to your appropriate force and put a request in to make a complaint against the Sargent (make sure you have his badge no and name if possible). A more senior officer will look into your complaint and issue, in my case the Chief Inspector of custody had to look into my complaint.
They also have a duty to find a resolution, it may be another option for getting the information required.

I managed to get Police policy changed nationally when I was arrested as they failed to follow approved custody guidelines (available on request from the cells) sent down from the home office. In my experience they will try to solve a fixable issue.

It sounds like a horrible situation, stay strong. The best advice I've had yet is (try) not to overthink things, it's like a rocking chair, gives you something to do but gets you nowhere.

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