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[Solved] Is this reality...

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PTR is the Pre-trial review. To see if matters can be settled without the full trial next month. I pray for a miracle she will give up when she sees my counter evidence and I can live in my house with my children again, but how cruel and cold she's been I doubt it.

My solicitor seems pretty low energy, just saying it's unexplained where her evidence is, that my statement can't be finalised without that and the still outstanding police disclosure which I applied for in July.

I'm not in a contact centre, my step dad picks up the children for me since I have a 100m ban from my house and then I have 2 hours alone with each one.

I will only hear from Cafcass (for the first time) on 5th of November on telephone...
SS are being strange again, I had the orginal single assentment quashed via my MP for mental discrimination (they blamed my OCD for my danger thoughts about other man, which I later vindicated) bias, lack of dueliligence and safeguarding. They meant issue a fresh one with new SS worker (she seemed nice and for me) but still no sign of it and SS worker not answering me why.
It's making me feel paranoid which is rather easy when the cloest person in the world to you shoots you through the heart and stabs you in the back.

I started going to the gym last month and took up boxing classes but social anxiety makes it hard for me to break the ice, I appear as cold and aloof when I'm not.

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If she's not filing evidence, then there's not much you can do to make her. As mojo says there is case law regarding late filing, but it's often glossed over and hearings are adjourned to a later date.

I know how frustrating it is when the other party don't provide evidence and police disclosure is taking ages at the moment, but have a realistic conversation with your lawyer about whether an adjournment is seeming likely and if it's appropriate for them to raise this with the court now.

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It's a full trial not a hearing next month if she doesn't concede in the PTR next week. I'll ask my lawyer when I meet her before court on the FDHRA Wednesday if she can set her evidence aside.
You'd think a woman claiming rape and saying I even got arrested for it (never happened) and 30 other bullet points of abuse over 4 years (even before marriage!) would have a stack of evidence.

It's all lies she never in a million years expected me to refuse the undertaking. What happens if she's not submitting because she has nothing? It's more strange since her lawyer not answering mine.

I on the other hand have evidence showing her lying on two dozen points including her own order with discrepancies.

Please tell me I'm doing the right thing challenging the occupation order, I spoke to someone from CAB today that's helping my mum with something else and he said I should give my tenacy to my wife as she needs a place to live and wont want to live with me... I was thinking [censored]! She's cheated, commited immigration fraud, put my children in danger being around a violent [censored] offender that throttled my step dad in front of my 3 year old, lied to the police and calling me a rapist to the family court. I should roll over and reward her with my home?

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It does sound strange giving you that advice - I would go with advice from your solicitor.

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TL:DR Ugh! Cafcass and then 4 hours in court. However wife forces have conceded ground and the old guard [censored] offender, took a pummeling! My time with my beautiful boys has increased 2.5x! Exactly what I asked for.
Up from 2 hours a week with each child to 4 PLUS Every other weekend.

An interesting day in court, my lawyer was in 2 minds to speak to wife before court to get her agree to my terms of extra time. My gut said go for it, wife is fed up with the children almost 24/7 and I was right, she agreed.
Interestly just after my lawyer got the Cafcass report saying wife won't agree to extra time. Plus all her allegations against me that show even more discriptences. For example I never knew I was taking medication everyday, even my doctors report doesn't show that...

Then it was my turn with the Cafcass officer, she didn't seem very clued up on the situation on the ground. Wife told her nothing about [censored] offender and Cafcass thought I was just throwing allegations about him. Then I told her it's a fact that he is a 4 time convicted [censored] offender that's on the [censored] register and banned from females under 25. Her face was priceless, knocked for six doesn't describe it, it's like Chris Gayle knocked the cricket ball for six into her face! Then I said about how he commited assault on my step dad in front of the children and sent me a death threat.
I also told her about how I'm still paying rent on my home in my sole name yet I can't live there, she looked absolutely disgusted. My lawyer said after it went fantastic!

Cafcass called wife back in 5 mins before hearing, when I saw wife in court she was so flushed. Wife blanked my existence, not 1 second of eye contact. I guess she hates me more.

PTR next week and section 7 due in December.

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