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Is this reality...
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[Solved] Is this reality...

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Well, after 7 days, he's going to remember you much more than after 70 days, so it will get better pretty quickly I would think.

Posts: 45
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I applied for a police disclosure back in July and it's still not ready. It was due to be submitted 2 weeks ago. My lawyer contacted the police officer dealing with it and she said it will be several weeks yet! My lawyer thinks it won't even be ready for the pre-trial on middle of next month and the main trial in November could even be pushed back!
Is it normal for such a massive delay? The disclosure will prove my wife perverted the course of justice lying about me getting arrested for rape.

Also yesterday was the final day for my wife to submit any evidence to the court, she hasn't. I guess there will be no punishment for late filing if she does?

My FDHRA is on 10th and I still haven't heard from Cafcass, when will they appear? And what can I expect to get from the FDHRA? I'm currently seeing each child of mine 2 hours a week unsupervised.

This week I had to attend a compliance/fraud interview at the job centre. They had two reports from "members of the public" that I'm frauding benefits. Only two people knew such details about me, my wife and her [censored] offender sugar daddy. The case got closed as malicious lies. I reported it to the police as further harassment and I just got brushed off it's just a civil matter. Yeah really civil trying to screw a vulnerable adult out of his only income and trying to halt my court funding, causing me 2 weeks of extra stress waiting for the interview.

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My wife still didn't submit any evidence for the PTR this month and her lawyer didn't answer 2 e-mails from mine... My gut feels suspious I know she hasn't got any on fact but I'm worried I'll get blind sided by something.

Strange thing is that a mutual friend of ours has noticed she's became very friendly with my biological father on Facebook and he's blocked me. It's strange because we both disliked him for strong reasons and wasn't friends on FB with him.

I still don't know what to expect from FDHRA on Wednesday. Will I get more contact? The 4 hours a week for like 6 weeks now have gone without hitch.

Personally the loneliness and betrayal has been hitting me extra hard this week, hard to hold together.

Posts: 8551
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago

Sorry, having a senior moment, what's the PTR?

What is your solicitor saying, if she's late filing evidence your solicitor should be bringing this up and asking for the evidence to be set aside. There's case law to back this up. I'll dig it out for you. However, whether the court will take a firm hand is anyone's guess to be honest.

Is your contact centre contact supervised, if so there should be a written report prepared for the court, you could chase that up with the CC. If the report is good, your solicitor should push for contact to move out of the CC and into the community. It might be a good idea for you to prepare a schedule of increasing contact to take with you, in case the court are willing to discuss progression.

How did your cafcass interview go?

I'm sorry to hear that the strain is getting to you, keep yourself busy, try to concentrate on your case and not think about what she may be doing... it's tough., but you'll get through this, make sure you're looking after yourself, getting enough to eat and adequate sleep, also try and take some time out to go and do something you enjoy, perhaps meet up with friends for a pint and curry... whatever it is, just be kind to yourself.

Best of luck

Posts: 8551
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago

Here's the link, you can use the search tab at the top of the page to look for older posts on the subject of late filing, or anything else that you want to research.

Best of luck

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