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Well... I'm stunned... I had a flawless c100 hearing, feels too good to be true. A supervised visit a week was going to be par for me, supported would be really nice, but my wife agreed with my solicitor for me to have 2 hours twice a week whereever I want! I'm over the moon! But I can't help being suspious why the sudden change of heart.
Also she didn't fight the prohibited steps order against her dirty old sugar daddy or whatever he is.
Her appearance took a step back, she used to be a show stopper now looks a bit rough. Only two quick glances from her and blanked in the court room. Really mixed signals.
When I look back at photos of my ex she looks nothing like the "perfect" vision I had of her at the time. There is something about being abused and betrayed so royally that makes us truly open our eyes.
I think I'm a bit of a cynic but I sit here after reading your post thinking she wants those four hours a week so she can go see her old man. That's also why she wasn't bothered about the pso.....but I'm probably wrong.
Just take what you can get. Most of the cases I have been involved with in the last year have had a strong element of the other side trying desperately to avoid being seen like they are trying to alienate or separate children from the other parent. Perhaps she has been advised that she needs to be reasonable.
What's the next step in your case? Section 7?
It's something more, this was a girl that dressed really classy, espically if doing something official, now she gone all council estate. I don't know if deliberate agenda or state of mind. It felt really weird, there I am all suited and booted, challenging the judge who is best dressed.
We agreed for me to have one to one quality time with each child since my 3 year has servere autism and will wreck my mother's house if given half a chance, so she will always have one. Maybe she will just ignore the steps order who will check? I don't like how she words it that the children won't see him but doesn't mention herself, my solicitor noticed that as well.
I don't know it's all so weird, saying in single assessment she would never let me have the children alone, only supervised and now to this. I don't know what will happen next, I had an email from Cafcass Wednesday wanting my number. SS said last week they be in contact this week but haven't. Only thing on the radar is in October is a pre trial to see if things can be sorted regarding non molestation and occupation order. If not bankrupt myself with a final roll of the dice with barrister.
I wouldn't waste time trying to figure out what she may be up to... it's great news that it went well, but just carry on concentrating on whats best for your child. Hopefully the court will be looking to increase contact as the case progresses.
Life is strange and I feel weird.
I had my first 2 hour visit today with my youngest son after 70 days alienated. He looks like a totally different boy, no smiles, very serious face and withdrawn. He's walking but did not make any sounds. I felt like a stranger with him.
In the last half hour he loosened up a bit and I got some giggles from him. Then it's time up and good bye for 7 days again.
I see why me and my father such different people after years apart and unable to bond, just emotional pain and awkwardness
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